CytroPac - Integrated Hydraulic Power Unit
Product Description : CytroPac - The compact revolution for hydraulic power units: completely equipped and integrated.

Rexroth has started the hydraulic power unit revolution. Lack of installation space is no longer a reason to go without hydraulic power: The new CytroPac power unit provides maximum power in the smallest space with everything you need for fast installation – including an economical Sytronix drive, completely wired frequency converter and Industry 4.0 compatibility. With powerful 4 KW and pressure of 240 bar in 50 percent less installation space. Furthermore, CytroPac also complies with the EU Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC. Simply connect power, fluid and interface and go. A small revolution!
Brand Name: Bosch Rexroth, Emerson Aventics, Emerson ASCO
Booth Number : M0228
Contact Information :
  • +886-4-22768383
  • +886-4-22768080
  • No.345, Yongfeng Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung City 411032, Taiwan

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