產品描述 : High-strength connection and maximum sealing Can you imagine high-quality products without screw connections? Modern technology cannot do without them as detachable joints. In the industrial sector, fluid technology, pneumatics and sealing technology are among the fields of application. In those sectors, often additional functions such as sealing, insulation or reuse of bolts are required – only to mention a few. One classic example are adjusting screws on hydraulic components, steering boxes and fuel injection pumps. For those applications, high-strength screw connections with reusable bolts and sealing against leakage are essential. We provide the solution that fulfils those high requirements: the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut. It prevents any unwanted leaking of gaseous or liquid media. The SEAL LOCK® ring integrated on the nut helps to achieve reliable sealing inside the thread without the use of additional elements. It is reliable in two ways because it seals under the head and inside the thread. Not to mention the easy installation. The following figures show conventional solutions on the one hand and the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut on the other hand.
產品描述 : 美國原裝進口MicroCentric Corp.公司製造,PMC量產夾頭3吋、4吋、5吋至6吋四種規格,加工中心、銑床臥式機檯大幫手。
產品描述 : 1.前後、上下進給採用伺服馬達驅動。 2.橫軸立磨頭、立軸研磨頭(選配)。 3.龍門型結構配合超大轉盤直徑。 4.轉盤運轉採強力馬達控制,配合變頻器控制。 5.雙軸伺服控制器。
產品描述 : 嵩富AX500為高精度、高剛性5軸綜合加工機。A/C軸採用DD馬達直接驅動,最大工件尺寸可達Ø700x350mm (500公斤),A軸傾斜角度220° (-110°/+110°), C軸盤面Ø500mm可一次完成複雜、多面、曲面工件的加工,以減少加工時間。X/Y/Z標配中空油冷滾珠螺桿,以減少運作中熱變形,搭配A/C軸光學尺以達到高精度加工需求。<br /> <br /> X/Y/Z三軸採45mm滾柱型線軌,X/Z軸有6個滑塊等高剛性結構設計。採海德漢控制器TNC640,可作5軸同動加工,讓 AX500成為最符合3C、模具、醫療、航太、汽機車零件加工需求的5軸綜合加工機。<br />
產品描述 : 一般市面上販售的油水分離機,功能只將油和水分離, 但切削液中含有大量細菌是導致液體持續發臭的主因, 經過我們的切削液淨化再生設備過濾雜質、油水分離、 並另附加臭氧裝置進行殺菌除臭的功能, 能夠有效延長客戶切削液使用壽命,提高加工精度, 延長刀具壽命並減少人員清洗水槽與更換次數。 1. 雜質過濾 2. 油水分離 3. 臭氧殺菌 4. 水質淨化 5. 降低成本 6. 延長刀具壽命 7. 維護健康改善環境
產品描述 : 中心噴水端面切槽刀架系列(配合伊司卡刀片)
產品描述 : HYDAC-工具機產業的最佳專業夥伴<br /> <br /> <br /> 50多年來,HYDAC始終是流體技術、液壓、電子設備及冷卻系統的領導供應商,全球擁有超過10,000名員工。<br /> <br /> 不僅於標準產品,HYDAC還特別專為加工中心機開發設計了各式種類的組件,包括液壓、冷卻系統、電子及<br /> 切削冷卻液等領域的產品應用。<br /> <br /> HYDAC智慧整合產品,可為加工中心機提供創新及技術先進的優勢。
產品描述 : 磁力研磨機<br /> 1.磁針藉由機身的磁場進行離心式的研磨拋光作業,能深入內孔、夾縫中進行研磨拋光.<br /> 2.清洗後工件的篩選,藉由濾網及磁場將磁針吸附走,能迅速的分離磁針及工件.<br /> 3.數控式操作介面,程式控制可以精準設定運轉時間、正反轉時間及結束提示鈴等參數值.
產品描述 : 1.Down thrust with"semi-sphere"to prevent workpiece lift. 2.Mechanical/Hydraulic. Two operate methods. 3.Vise body is made of ductile iron FCD-60. 4.Vise bed hardened to HRC45 and maintain accuracy for long. 5.Vise bed height-size and the guide block side are all made with full control, can 2.3 or 4 vises to perform a job at a time. 6.Vise have 4 ways of clamping. For you to choice.
產品描述 : JHT-4010已榮獲2020台灣精品獎之肯定! 美學設計外罩鈑金,搭載高科技靜壓滑軌系統,移動快速、低噪音及低振動。內藏式砂輪主軸轉速可達3500rpm,可傾斜±30°以利進行螺紋傾角研磨。可搭配鍵和自主研發並取得專利的智慧機械功能,即時掌握機台狀況以達成智能加工之目的。 鍵和官網 www.jainnher.com 鍵和Youtube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/GrindingMachineTech/videos
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