產品描述 : 1. 有效快速排除水及微粒 2. 40μm及5μm濾芯替換簡易方便 3. 壓力調整簡單精準 4. 不用關掉氣源及停線加油 5. 細霧狀給油,確保有效保護並延長機件壽命 6. 耐酸鹼杯及鋁杯,可供週邊環境有機溶劑及化學藥品有揮發性氣體使用
產品描述 : Coupling elements of HYDROKOMP are made of stainless materials. This enables the elements to be used for all fluids and gases that are not aggressive. Special designs eg. for water steam or other media are available on request. HYDROKOMP offers coupling elements for two different operating modes depressurized coupling or pressurized coupling. The elements for depressurized coupling can be coupled pressurized up to 25 bar, if the specified volume flow is not be exceeded. When using higher operating pressure there ockures a risk of demaging the soft seal in the check valve as the result of high flow velocities of the fluid. This means for coupling of air up to 10 bar there should be always used the coupling elements for depressurized coupling. This also applies when the coupling process is initiated pressurized. The elements which can be coupled pressurized may be coupled up to the maximum specified operating pressure on one side and / or on both sides.
產品描述 : PM MOTOR 強大的驅動核心,更節能、更省電 最高能效等級d=30 永磁變頻空壓機最大的優點就是節能,一般可節能 10%~35%,節能的多少決定於空壓機的工作狀況和變頻器的的設定,當客戶的用氣狀況起伏越大,節能的效果就越好。採用高效節能的控制系統,空壓機啟動減少了對電機及電氣元件的衝擊,啟動電流小,也延長了馬達的壽命,相對也減少對設備機械的衝擊。
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