产品描述 : -延長刀桿壽命 -提高刀桿精度 -刀桿表面拋光、除油、除鏽 -一次設定,全自動拋光
产品描述 : 優利牌-磨速刷<飛速刷/球頭刷> 產品適用於: 零組件機械加工、液壓、缸體等內孔研磨, 快速的對各種形狀、尺寸的氣缸、管道內孔,產生最佳的抛光,刷磨去毛邊的效果。 研磨砂粗細粒度有 #80、#120、#180、#240、#320、#500、#600、#800 可供選擇應用 •亦有1/4英寸六角柄-適用於任何電鑽或氣動/氣動鑽/等 方便使用!
产品描述 : Cristone水晶纖維油石以強韌的水晶陶瓷纖維所製成。強度比一般的纖維油石提高一倍,適合用於去除放電加工後(EDM),所產生的粗糙表面。 高單位纖維含量以及整齊銳利的水晶纖維端面,讓切削速度大幅提升使您工作更有效率。
产品描述 : This machine is an improved model from the Y Rail model, featuring similar functions. Designed standard with 4-station hanger with two side doors on blasting chamber. To meet your specific production line requirements, additional hangers are available for the entire working environment. Contact us for further details. Features: 1.The machine employs a PLC controller for continuous cycles of blasting operation. 2.The cycle motions are: the hanging shaft enters the blasting chamber, and then moves to a fixed position at a lower speed. The door closes automatically. Once the door is closed, the blade starts running automatically, and the machine performs blasting. Once operation is accomplished, steel balls are supplied and the blade stops automatically. When the blade comes to a complete stop, the door opens automatically. When the door opens to the fixed position, the chain conveyor quickly delivers the nest hanging rod into the blasting chamber, then moves forward at a lower speed to a fixed position. The door closes automatically and performs the nest cycle of blasting operation.
产品描述 : 乾式離心拋光研磨 使用過程不會產生廢水
产品描述 : Miracle 鑽石銼刀使用高品質鑽石粉,並以特殊的電鑄工法製作。優秀的切削力及耐用度讓加工更無往不利。
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