产品描述 : 設備端物理空壓式乾燥機,應用專利水冷式降溫系統及氣水分離裝置,將高溫壓縮空氣藉由水冷及壓縮空氣膨脹的方式,降至露點溫度產生冷凝水,再利用氣水分離裝置,使壓縮空氣與冷凝水分離,分離效率可達99%,不須壓縮機及冷媒,免用電、免耗材、免保養,更可使效能永久不減,乾燥機壽命平均達10年以上。 1. 體積較10HP及20HP機型縮減近50﹪,節省空間成本。 2. 可拖式設計,方便跟隨設備移動。 3. 免插電,壓力6kg/cm² 以上之壓縮空氣輸入即可使用,省去為乾燥機額外遷設電源的麻煩。 4. 無任何電子及其他能源驅動設備,適合環境較為特殊之壓縮空氣需求者使用。 5. 與10HP及20HP機型相同之乾燥方式及乾燥效果,為您的設備提供完整的防護。 6. 免用電、免耗材、不需使用冷媒,每月可省下龐大電費及耗材更換費用。(濾油機型需更換精密過器) 7. 機體內所有零件及組裝均在台灣生產製造,以確保高品質。 詳細產品規格請前往此連結:https://www.isin.net.tw/product_d.php?lang=tw&tb=1&id=43
产品描述 : 三點組合(空壓調理組)輝寶提供了5種壓縮空氣系統不可或缺的產品,包含過濾器、調壓器、潤滑器、油霧分離乾燥組、自動排水器。我們提供1/8"~1"的接續口徑尺寸,涵蓋了從個人消費者到工業等級需求範圍。
产品描述 : Swing clamp cylinders release the clamping point on the workpiece. With this, it is easy to change the workpiece. This hydraulic swing clamp cylinder operates as single-acting or double-acting traction cylinder, whereas part of the stroke is used to rotate the piston. The model with 0° swing angle operates only vertical as traction cylinder. To guarantee a long lifetime the cylinders have an integrated metal wiper as standard. For oil supply, the cylinders are equipped with threaded port and manifold port with O-ring for drilled channels. You can select between right or left turning models with various standardized swing angles. The integrated overload protection protects the swing mechanism from damage due blockage of the rotation or improper assembly of the clamping arm. For any risk of exceeding the permitted volume flow a throttle check valve must be interposed into the oil supply line. Counter-hold the clamping arm when tightening or loosening the counter nut in order to prevent torque transfer to the piston rod and to avoid damage to the ball guide. Variations with 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° swing angles are available. The permitted operating pressure is depending from the clamping arm length.
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