TSA-239鏈條式噴洗機 Chain Conveyor Continuous Hanging Type Shot Blasting Machine
产品描述 : This machine is an improved model from the Y Rail model, featuring similar functions.

Designed standard with 4-station hanger with two side doors on blasting chamber. To meet your specific production line requirements, additional hangers are available for the entire working environment. Contact us for further details.

1.The machine employs a PLC controller for continuous cycles of blasting operation.

2.The cycle motions are: the hanging shaft enters the blasting chamber, and then moves to a fixed position at a lower speed. The door closes automatically.
Once the door is closed, the blade starts running automatically, and the machine performs blasting. Once operation is accomplished, steel balls are supplied and the blade stops automatically.
When the blade comes to a complete stop, the door opens automatically. When the door opens to the fixed position, the chain conveyor quickly delivers the nest hanging rod into the blasting chamber, then moves forward at a lower speed to a fixed position.
The door closes automatically and performs the nest cycle of blasting operation.
品牌名称: 大鎪
摊位号码 : N1131
联络资讯 :
  • www.richsou.com.tw
  • +886-7-3714027
  • +886-7-3716924
  • No.27, Zhugong 2nd Ln., RenWu Dist., Kaohsiung City 814011, Taiwan


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