TMBA member service
製品の説明 : TMBA's members can join below 10 committees by their interest:
1. Machining Center Issue committee.
2. Turning Center Issue committee.
3. Forming Machine Tool Issue committee.
4. Non-traditional Machine Tools(EDM, Laser,…,etc) Issue committee.
5. Multi-Tasking(/Integrated) Machine Tool Issue committee.
6. Grinding Machine Tool Issue committee.
7. Functional components Issue committee.
8. Raw Material and Processing Issue committee.
9. Transmission component Issue committee.
10. Accessories & Hardware Issue committee.
Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association
ブランド名: TMBA, TMTS
ブース番号 : P0101-2
連絡 :
  • +886-4-23507586
  • +886-4-23501596
  • 3F, No.27, 37th Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung City 40768, Taiwan

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