Ultrasonic & Rotary Machines
製品の説明 : [AR-800 旗艦多功能型]
Multi-function Flagship Type

*With the most advanced design that provides the
multi-function of Ultrasonic, Brush DC (direct-current) and
Brushless DC output.
*All new design with high-efficiency microprocessor that
give the machine with perfect performance.
*The brushless DC with max. 250 watts and brush DC with
max. 150 watts output power that gives your handpiece
with high torque and high speed running.
*The LED speed display shows you the running speed of
brushless hanpiece. You can select the best and safe speed
according to various tools and diameter.
*Once turn on the machine, the system will automatically
adjust the speed to “Zero”, that keep you away from
the damage caused by high speed running of handpiece.

[AR-108 單功能型]
Single Function Practical Type

*Ultrasonic lapping function only.
*The machine provides reliable quality and good
*Max.40 watts output that satisfy difference of
polishing works.
*It is not only effective for lapping task, but also good for
correction of PCB patterns.
ブランド名: Besdia
ブース番号 : I0328
連絡 :
  • www.besdia.com
  • +886-2-89769341
  • +886-2-89769343
  • 4F, No. 10, Sec. 1, Chung Hsing Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City 248512, Taiwan

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