Portable Electromagnetic Automatic Drilling Machine
FM-35DL Comes with drilling force control unit for Auto-feeding:
When drill bit is worn out, this unit will drive feeding intermittently or stop feeding. Once feeding becomes difficult while making a hole, please replace a new drill bit or re-sharpen the worn out one in order to protect both drilling tool and machine body from being damaged.
FM-35DL Comes with two intermittent breaking rates for breaking chips:
Choose different feeding rates according to different drill bits and material to perform Auto-feeding operation. This device can break chips intermittently and discharge them while Auto-feeding is processing, so that chips would not roll on drill bit.
Easier to discharge chips.
The machine body is with height adjustment. It’s suitable for both lone and short annular cutters as well as general chuck which is for holding drill with straight handle.
The general chuck is applicable for holding drill which is with straight handle for drilling smaller holes(from 8-13mm).
ブランド名: TSYR TZUN
ブース番号 : N0008
連絡 :
  • www.tsyr-tzun.com
  • +886-4-24067770
  • +886-4-24064033
  • No. 481, Kuo Chong Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 412024, Taiwan

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