製品の説明 : FineBI is a self-service business intelligence tool that enables users to intuitively discover, analyze, and alert hidden issues within data through data analysis dashboards. It allows for timely response to business risks and identification of areas for growth. With FineBI, everyone can leverage data analysis to enhance business operations. FineBI assists enterprises in swiftly establishing a data analysis and business intelligence platform accessible to all members, enabling a comprehensive understanding and utilization of their data. This support aids in decision-making and enhances overall business performance.
FanRuan Software
ブランド名: FanRuan
ブース番号 : L1224
連絡 :
  • +886-3-6587759
  • 8F-5, No. 65, Gaotie 7th Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302058, Taiwan

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