U-Axis Boring and Facing Head
製品の説明 : ● With a U-Drive unit commanding the feed control of the tool slide and the tool placement even during rotation, it is made to oer the solution to a series of processes such as threading, conical threading, grooves, slots, curve surface machining and other complex proles. It makes it possible to
do turning operations on all machining centers.
● It is designed to be used on automatic tool changers to maximize the working eciency.
● Modular tool-holder slide with interchangeable design permits the various tool applications and machining.
● It is specially designed with two counter-weights for automatic balancing, which move opposite to the slide to eectively eliminate oscillations.
カタログ :
ブランド名: HOLD WELL
ブース番号 : J1306
連絡 :
  • www.holdwell.com
  • +886-4-25667659
  • +886-4-25672706
  • No. 31, Alley 10, Lane 120, Sec. 2, Ya Huan Rd., Daya Dist., Taichung City 428011, Taiwan

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