Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : GVM-800U 專為高精度複雜多曲面銑削而設計,只需一次裝夾,甚至可以車削。從靜態剛性和動態質量的角度來看,每個關鍵部件的堅固框架都經過了很好的優化,以成為最高性能的天車式五軸加工中心。 雙Y軸驅動龍門型結構,絕對抑制了極高速(48m / min)加速/減速產生的振動。不僅可以提高生產前置時間,加工精度,還可以通過緊湊的設計優化工作環境,提高公司的整體管理水平。 直接驅動工作台由二個扭矩電機驅動,A和C軸各一個,最大速度50/100RPM,最大負載920/1200kg,旋轉角度A/C軸±125゚/ 360゚,達到新的高水平動態銑削和車削操作! 刀庫是由交流伺服電機驅動,以簡單,快速,無故障和極其平滑的刀具交換,標準32把刀及更多選擇。高速內藏式銑/車削電主轴18000~24000RPM可供選擇。搭配HEIDENHAIN TNC640,15”螢幕的五軸連動控制器,HEIDENHAIN高精度三軸光學尺,該加工中心用於飛機渦輪元件的加工及鋁製汽車輪圈高速表面處理提高了生產力。
Product Description : Rplus pneumatic thermal cutters are designed for plastic molding and specified configuration. A designed pair of thermal knifes with a suitable heating rate, the unique design will reduce the heating time and reach the setting temperature in few seconds. The shearing is driven by a dual rod cylinder with 0.15~1Mpa range pressure. Knifes are made by alloy special steel with heat-treatment. The heating capacity is 150W within 8mmx35mm heating bars , the range is 60~350C. The dual rod cylinder drives the thermal knifes will lead to a stable shearing effect, as well as higher efficiency, reduce the loss, faster shearing and depends on different type of plastic can be set variable heating temperature. For modern manufacturing, we can integrate on a robot arm and automatically processing line. Examples of widely application as head lamp of automobile,optical lens, acrylic products and Polycarbonate,etc. We forward to offer a safer , easier and efficiency tools.
Fulson Industrial Co., Ltd
Product Description : This machine is the crystallization of the technology that Fushun has carefully researched for many years. It has a stable appearance and a strong structure. Various operating handles and movable operating panels are within the operator's best line of sight and the most comfortable operating position. This is in line with the ergonomic design. Excellent models, providing you with higher work efficiency. Spindle mechanism: The spindle is supported by five ultra-precision beveled ball bearings. Stable and strong main shaft structure, can withstand heavy load grinding. AC servo motor lift drive: C3-level drive screw, driven by AC servo motor, with large torque, fast speed, and high positioning accuracy. With the full CNC system, the feed accuracy can reach 0.0001mm or 0.001mm. Two lines and one hard track: Z-axis and Y-axis purchase high-precision line rails, and cooperate with high-precision ball screws, which can make the action smooth without lag; , maintaining accuracy without distortion. Front and rear transmission speed control: The continuous movement speed of the saddle is driven by AC servo motor to obtain good surface grinding accuracy.
Product Description : Expertise, Innovation, Performance S5A-4732HH, Special for Difficult-to-Cut Materials processing, Titanium Alloy processing. Features: High-Rigidity structure design. Mechanical-type Simultaneous Two-Axis rotary spindle. Warm and gear transmission for B and C axes. With self-made heavy-cutting two-stage gearbox design (Gear Ratio by 1:1.75 and 1:7). Maximum Torque: 1155 N-m. Unique patented design of the Z-axis spindle rail structure - vibration restrain in machining. It can largely reduce the vibration in machining hard-to-cut material, enhance the machining efficiency, reduce the surface roughness, and prolong the tool’s life. (Model S5A-HH exclusive) Fully Splash Guarding design. Super large and wide working door design. Fashionable aesthetic and ergonomic safety design. Specific design of safety guardrail upon the cross column. Convenient for machine maintenance. Height-adjustable manipulation control box. Suitable for people of different height.
GTW Taiwan Ltd.
Product Description : We develop excellent electric motors that meet every test requirement in the field of e-mobility. We were able to develop a new type of motor family-the RigBes. New bearing concepts and advanced cooling strategies enable temperatures in the motor elements to be kept below 120°C under all operating conditions. Bearing temperatures never exceed the 50°C mark, even at 28,000min-1.
Product Description : The combination of centrifugal device and magnetic separator is perfect for processing water-and oil-based cutting fluids and sludge containing magnetic dusts and shavings. The shaving removal is quick and effective, which saves a lot of time waiting and minimizes the costs to replace consumables.
Product Description : 出色的產品始於出色的設計,因此,SOLIDWORKS為您提供將 設計概念轉化為 零件和組合件的各種工具 。 全球有470多萬名 設計師、工程師、經理和製造商在使用SOLIDWORKS·它有助 於推動更智慧、更快速和更輕鬆的產品開發。SOLIDWORKS具有以下行業領先功能,幫助眾多公司實現創新:<br /> • 概念設計:專為工業設計和機械裝置設計打造的工具。<br /> • 曲面造型:高級工具確保您能夠迅速建立任何形狀。<br /> • 直接編輯:直接操作 3D CAD 幾何體。<br /> • 快速建立2D 工程圖:同步與 3D 模型設變。<br /> • 大型組合件:能夠處理超大型設計,甚至包含幾十萬個零件。<br /> • 逆向工程:用於點雲和網格資料曲面製作和操作的工具。<br /> • 專用設計功能:模具設計、鈑金、焊件、管路和電氣佈線。<br /> • 自動化:免費 API、批次處理流程可配置在產品和工程圖。<br /> • 創成式設計:根據功能和製造需求,自動開發零件形狀。<br /> • CAD 庫:超過 100 萬個市購件、電氣專案和符號可添加到您的設計中。<br /> • 線上目錄:提供使用者建立的零組件和透過認證的供應商零組件。<br /> • 導入/匯出:以 2D 和 3D 方式導入/匯出所有主要格式。<br /> • 直接互通性:用於非原生 CAD 文件的 SOLIDWORKS 3D<br /> Interconnect。<br /> • 可製造性設計 (DFM):檢查干涉、公差和工程圖標準。<br />
Product Description : 有晙精密的鎢鋼螺紋丸駒(圓駒/ 圓板牙)具備 高性能/ 高精度/ 高壽命特性的 是滿足全自動化生產的加工利器
Product Description : Driven by built-in motor: ▶High speed ▶High precision, high efficiency ▶High dynamic rotary accuracy ▶Balancing adjustment within G1, low vibration ▶Modularized easily ▶Thermal displacement, high stability ▶Short overall length, low inertia ▶High motor power, high moments of inertia Driven by belt: ▶High dynamic rotary accuracy ▶High axial & radial rigidity ▶Stable thermal temperature
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : VES數位資料保護系統歷經20多年市場經驗及眾多的客戶信賴,專注於資料保護技術研發,可以有效解決資料保護的問題,提供完整的解決方案。 VES資料保護系統採取帳號身分認證、沙箱安全、文件加密、權限管理及加密連線、特定通訊協定 程式白名單..等安全技術,有效的達到勒索及駭客無法攻擊已受到保護的資料及文件。VES 透過一鍵登入的使用方式有效的整合對內外部的防禦機制,針對資料保護提供一個簡單及完整有效的解決方案。
Product Description : S系列經濟型 產品特色: ● 半油性切削液專用 針對水性切削液設計之HEPA濾材,有效過濾水霧懸浮微粒 ● 高效淨化有毒物氣 再過濾油霧回收機餘氣、PM2.5懸浮微粒60%,配合二段式高壓油霧回收機,整體過濾效能達95% 油霧回收機本體特色 : ●機體材質鋁合金成型,重量輕,堅固耐用 ●強力高風壓,最大可達320mmAq流量流速穩,過濾效能高 ●使用感應式馬達,電量省 散熱快 適合長時間運轉 ●結構式原理回收油霧,直立式設計,不震動,低噪音 ●安裝容易,不佔空間,使廠內機械移位佈置更容易 ●捨棄式濾網,10秒快速更換,保養容易,工安無慮 分離式油煙處理座特色 ●標配之壓力錶:可輕易檢知是否有阻塞的情況 、 判斷濾材更換時間 ●專利結構設計:由上往下之設計原理,以高風壓加速濾材所吸附的油氣集結快速垂降, 使壽命有效延長 ●分離式之設計:因應現場需求,可直接安裝於機台上方或任意位置 ●彈性多功組合:可單獨選購或配合任何有動力送風之末端空氣處理 ● 免保養易更換:濾材無需保養,分離式之設計使濾材更換更加容易 適用範圍: CNC車床、CNC铣床、CNC綜合切削加工機、CNC磨床、放電加工機、滾齒機、洗淨槽、防鏽油噴霧回收及會產生 白煙、細油氣、水霧、油霧之各種設備的回收淨化處理。 選配項目: ● 活性碳AC-650 ● 油煙處理器S-350 ●油煙處理器SH-650 ●側掛鐵架 ●直列式四腳架 ●並列式四腳架
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