Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : 本給油機可配合機械軟體使用,設有油位裝置及壓力過載安全保護裝置。<br /> 可警示油箱的油位及管路壓力。
Product Description : ❙MONITEX BT torque sensor❙ The new MONITEX® BT is a precise tool for daily measuring tasks in test bench technology. With the help of the apps(Android/iOS) or the PC software, torque and speed data can be displayed and saved in a matter of seconds. 1. COST-SAVING- thanks to new integrated design, cost down no longer a dream but a fact. 2. Inaccuracy 0.2%! with wireless BlueTooth coonection, one device get eveyring! 3. SPACER-SAVING- the new measurement coupling can be integrated into the drive in a few simple steps in contrast to classical torque measurement. 4. Error alert- imediate feedback on abnormal data throgh APP Don't hesitate to call 04-23593278 or send to, both ways are welcome.
Guhring Taiwan Ltd.
Product Description : 工業4.0<br /> 鈷領工具管理機,幫您精打細算節省刀具支出,工具、物料、工作排程、品質追蹤等智動化管理,適合加工業、航太、汽機車、自行車、電子業、醫療、藥物管控等產業使用<br /> ●庫存管理最佳化,降低成本<br /> ●設定安全庫存量,低於數量時自動發送通知<br /> ●存放位置明確,縮短入庫、領料及盤點時間<br /> ●多樣化存放位置設計,可以依客戶需求更改儲存格<br /> ●節省存放空間,增加空間使用率<br /> ●可連接雲端伺服器管理、彙整所有管理數據資料>> 電子型錄:
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Robotiive, developed by IsCoolLab, is a Robotic process automation (RPA) solution that utilizes patented AI computer vision technology to achieve cross-platform, cross-system, cross-machine, and remote desktop data extraction, integration and automation. It is the only RPA system in the market that integrates both manufacturing and office settings. Using Robotiive, corporations can enhance productivity and efficiency but also substantially reduce human resource and operational costs. Additionally, its high scalability allows businesses to customize settings according to their own needs, providing their departments with a 24/7 digital workforce.
Product Description : High Performance and Wide Application XM series moving column machining center is a product developed for the machining needs of large-scale precision machinery, electric power, wind power, energy, petrochemical, transportation... and other equipment. It has: Huge workpiece machining space: For precision machining of various types of structural parts, it can provide super large XYZ axis machining space. • High-precise positioning: The high-standard geometric accuracy and positioning accuracy capabilities of the whole machine enable large-scale precision machining • Heavy cutting capacity: Provide a variety of high-rated torque spindles to meet the processing and cutting capabilities of various materials. • Fully automatic multi-face machining: This moving column machining center can be matched with various automatic attachment heads for high tangential speed mold surface machining and various types of precision parts complex angle machining, with excellent tool tip point error automatic correction function, and automatic additional head and tool exchange function, it can realize fully automatic machining performance. • Milling and turning compound multitask: This moving column cnc milling machine can be equipped with a high-torque and high-speed vertical turning table to realize milling and turning compound automatic machining.
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會, 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體,以為配合政府提倡產業升級, 並促進雷射應用產業 提升專業技術,期能透過本會與產、官、學界相互交流,建立產業發展共識,及與政府對話的管道。同時透過各項國際交流,積極開拓商機,提振我國企業全球競爭力, 期與世界同步發展為宗旨。 協會致力於機械鈑金平台服務,結合產官學的政策,可以用團體力量來引領企業成長。 製造業的傳承經驗,技術的累積聚眾,誠摯邀請大家的參與。
Vincent Vacuum-Tech Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 以高溫真空之環境將粉末冶金或MIM 金屬射出成型之生胚加熱脫蠟、加熱燒結,使生胚內部之殘存結合劑氧化脫除,燒結成最終金屬成品。 適合高複雜度、不易加工之工件
Product Description : In FRL combination category, Hui Bao provides five categories products which are all essential parts to an efficient air system. The five categories product comprise – Filter、Regulator、Lubricator、Air cleaner / dryer、Auto Drains. In terms of product range for FRL, we have 1/8” ~ 1” port sizes, which can fulfill requirements from the consumer level through industrial applications.
Product Description : 各個行業中的3D 列印- 消費產品設計師、汽車製造工程師、牙科實驗室和無數其他的專業人員都在使用 Stratasys 3D 印表機。 我們的技術正在改變和加快全球設計和製造的發展。 Stratasys 3D Printer 3D印表機正在改變和加快全球設計和製造的發展,3D列印技術的出現是對生產方式的一種革新,它擁有高訂製化模式,能夠為複雜設計降低成本,同時也能提供更低成本的零部件,使企業獲取更高利潤。 各個行業中的 3D列印 3D Printers- 航太汽車製造工程師、醫療創新領域、各類商業用具開發、消費性產品測試、建築模型設計、客製化牙科實驗室、各學程教育推廣和無數其他的專業人員都在使用 Stratasys 3D印表機。 從建模到材料都是關鍵,洽詢普立得科技得知如何正確選擇3D印表機! 及各種列印機、掃瞄機、打標機種類比較與產業應用。
Product Description : 新型 Equator 500 的工作範圍為直徑 500 mm,高度可達 400 mm,可量測更大型的工件。<br /> <br /> Equator 300 及 500 檢具系統於在 5 ºC 及 50 ºC 範圍之間的任何溫度變化率下均維持量測精準,掃描速度可超過 200 mm/s。<br /> <br /> 每個 Equator 系統都支援容易使用的 Organizer 操作員軟體、用於自動化的 EZ-IO 軟體以及用來更新 CNC 工具機上刀具補正的 IPC (智慧型製程控制) 軟體。<br />
Product Description : 1.Down thrust with"semi-sphere"to prevent workpiece lift. 2.Mechanical/Hydraulic. Two operate methods. 3.Vise body is made of ductile iron FCD-60. 4.Vise bed hardened to HRC45 and maintain accuracy for long. 5.Vise bed height-size and the guide block side are all made with full control, can 2.3 or 4 vises to perform a job at a time. 6.Vise have 4 ways of clamping. For you to choice.
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