Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : Model:Semi-Auto 500 Extension Milling Head(Maximum Torque:700N.m) (Maximum RPM:3000r.p.m) 1.High torque transmission and high cutting efficiency. 2.The linkage spindle design makes the easy tool loading. 3. The design of extension body is exquisite with solid structure. 4.High accuracy, low vibration and good dynamic rotation accuracy.
XMAC Global Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 全方位保護系統
Tim Growing Bearing Co.,Ltd.
Product Description : Lower temperature rise compared to other products of the same ball diameter.
Cheng Yi Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
Product Description : ●High precision and stable clamping
Product Description : * Processing Method|Grinding * Applications|Die and Mold 1. Long-term shape retention. 2. Wheel deflection value within 0.005 mm. * Processing Material | Tungsten carbide, steel material
Product Description : 1.Modelling The main structure could do universal machining with soft or hard jaws without any limit of angle. 2.Function The universal vise is suitable for milling, lathe, and CNC machining center especially for 5-axis CNC machining center with 200-1000cm machining table and 12000 rpm. The swivel base can move in two-way to find the center point, easy and efficient to meet customer’s requi-rement.Can be mounted to CNC machining center to rotate the work-piece via swivel base for processing. 3.Quality With the heat treatment alloy steel, it’s hardness reach 50-60 degree with high durable quality. The parallelism accuracy reaches to 0.01mm. The main body can support the sliding base increase its stability. 4.Innovative HERBERT TMV successfully conveys the spirit of HERBERT - reliable, stable, innovative and professional.
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會, 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體,以為配合政府提倡產業升級, 並促進雷射應用產業 提升專業技術,期能透過本會與產、官、學界相互交流,建立產業發展共識,及與政府對話的管道。同時透過各項國際交流,積極開拓商機,提振我國企業全球競爭力, 期與世界同步發展為宗旨。 協會致力於機械鈑金平台服務,結合產官學的政策,可以用團體力量來引領企業成長。 製造業的傳承經驗,技術的累積聚眾,誠摯邀請大家的參與。
Product Description : Wedged 3-jaws type of hook with large through hole. Hardened, ground and directly lubricated matching surfaces of all parts. Construction of high rigidity, and high accuracy of clamping.
Product Description : 1. Fixed amount of oil feeding that can supply the required amount of oil to each lubricating point. 2. There are various choices of discharge volume, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5cc per stroke. The discharge volume of each outlet can be different. 3. Each discharge outlet has a detective piston that can detect if the pipe system works functionally. 4. T type 0.5cc can be assembled either NO (Normal Contact) or NC (Normal Close) Contact sensor switch. It also can be set up as NO or NC Contact upon request. When it is set up as NO Contact, it sends signal during the operation time. When it is set up as NC Contact, it sends signal during the interval time. 5. T type volume distributors accumulate oil inside of the distributor and discharge oil during the interval time. 6. T type volume distributors have to work with oil pressure-relief type lubricators. The lowest operation pressure is 8 kgf/c㎡ and the max pressure is 30 kgf/c㎡. 7. The viscosity range of oil is 32 ~90 cSt @ 40℃.
Durastar Casters and Wheels
Product Description : 自1985年起,美國Durastar鉅國腳輪擁有超過30年的高品質腳輪製造與PU灌注經驗,是專業的腳輪製造商,具有多樣化的產品生產線,供應北美及亞太區域各式腳輪、輪子、油壓拖板車輪、堆高機輪與客製化PU灌注。我們生產高品質的聚氨酯優力膠PU輪適用於各種行業,應用範圍重至航太工業、輕至小型推車,鉅國腳輪都能滿足您的各式腳輪與PU產品需求。 鉅國腳輪所製造的腳輪及各式優力膠PU產品以高品質與高CP著稱,省力穩定且耐用,客戶遍布世界各地,諸如美國FedEx聯邦快遞、美國甘迺迪機場行李推車、日本Bishamon毘沙門、台灣美光科技及漢翔航空工業等皆使用我們的產品。
CloudRiches Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Product Description : Azure OpenAI Service 為安全且完全受控之企業級生成式AI服務,可透過 REST API 及SDK整合相關Microsoft和 Azure 相關應用程式及服務,幫助企業輕鬆串接其內部知識庫及系統,並可根據不同產業需求微調。 安全性方面,Microsoft承諾不會使用企業的資料進行訓練、改進任何模型,且在對話過程中採用符合 FIPS 140-2 標準的 256 位 AES 進行加、解密,可有效防止機敏資訊遭竊取或竄改。 雲馥數位提供基於Azure OpenAI Service的一站式解決方案,並從用戶介面開發與應用設計(UI Application)、提示設計(Prompt Design)、API整合直至數據管理、具備多種行業應用場景,讓客戶快速地實現商業想法,並拓展新的市場機會。 雲馥數位長期深耕AI人工智慧技術研究與發展,在Data & AI的專業及成就,更於2022年及2023年連續兩年獲得台灣微軟年度最佳Data & AI合作夥伴獎。
Product Description : The rotary lever clamp is especially suited for clamping fixtures with only little space for the installation of clamping elements. Its construction and compact design allows flexible solutions at various installation conditions. HYDROKOMP offers hydraulic rotary lever clamps which are single-acting as well double-acting. They are used in clamping fixtures whose oil supply is made through drilled channels. To swing down the clamping arm, the linear motion is used pro rata which clamps the workpiece. To unclamp, the clamping arm swings back to where the workpiece can be safely taken out.
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