Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : Outer Diameter:Ø38mm Shaft Diameter:Ø6 mm PCD:Ø 28/30/38mm OUTPUT CIRCUIT:Line Drive/Push-Pull Pulses:50~10000 P/R MAX SPEED: 6000r/min SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 5V, 8~26V
PHD Books Co., Ltd.
Product Description : 機械雜誌的第一品牌 充滿未來性之「機械新刊」具備三點特色: 第一,「選對的主題」。機械新刊每月所挑選的文章,都是對機械產業非常重要的指標性主題,多元化的內容整合,適合讀者每月翻看,汲取新知。 第二,「用對的人」。機械新刊之主編群結合產、官、學、研各界專家菁英,提供最優值的文章和綿密的產業資訊。現在是知識經濟的時代,在知識情商方面,哪一家公司有新產品?哪一家公司有好技術?透過機械新刊廣大的客戶產品資訊,讓您在通路行銷,研發製造各方面都能領先群倫。 第三,「做對的事」。機械新刊的市場定位及聚焦策略,考量傳承與創新之間的平衡,希望雜誌內容能兼顧廣度與深度,除了持續保持專業文章的深度,更重要是與市場貼近,完全掌握市場脈動,同時加入人文的溫度。 2017年起,博士文創事業經營機械新刊,以「廣遞新知,用心規劃」為宗旨,努力建立遍及海內外的讀者群。我們計畫以台灣為中心,向海外拓及讀者群,讓所有華語專業人士,都能翻閱機械新刊,從中獲得想要的資訊。另外,我們要使刊物成為客戶最佳的行銷利器。我們充分瞭解客戶的需求,讓機械新刊成為情資收集的專業平台,展示產品的最佳舞台。機械新刊紙本刊物搭配電商規劃,讓廠商在數位時代,將有更高更長久的曝光。 機械新刊充滿前景,「選對的主題」、「用對的人」、「做對的事」,我們的團隊專業,充滿競爭力,發行人出身機械產業,親身投入用心經營。機械新刊才剛要開始發光發熱,我們有絕對的信心,成為機械雜誌的第一品牌。
Product Description : 經濟型渦流式集塵器<br /> 1.低噪音設計風量120cfm使用下音量60dB.<br /> 2.三道過濾:渦流式集塵桶/HEPA濾袋/濾芯.<br /> (1)95%粉塵會集中在集塵桶中<br /> (2)5%粉塵會再到二道濾袋中收集<br /> (3)第三道濾芯,是避免濾袋破損或是沒安裝好,避免粉塵吸入馬達造成馬達受損.
Product Description : Chevalier’s FSG-ADIV Series of surface grinders have several design features to shorten your processing and non-processing preparation while delivering high-precision workpieces year after year—functions you might not expect on such affordable machines: iSurface control, variable speed spindle, constant surface speed, loading detection and in-machine manual dynamic balancing. FSG-ADIV Series grinders also feature tools to secure Big Data with Chevalier’s exclusive iMachine Communications System TM (iMCS). This software package, combined with data analysis, enhances machine efficiency in the factory while enabling remote monitoring and diagnostics to track machine performance and identify potential problems before they begin.
Product Description : The Machine Center for next generation — TLV-850II Applied field: general hardware processing, mold processing, precision parts TLV-850II is known for its stability and capability of manufacturing with its high rigidity, which adopts the advantages from TLV-850. Furthermore, it applies the structure which fits the current trend. -T-slot is used with the common specialization: 18mm -Z-axis is adopted with the design of high rigidity, a bigger motor, and the strengthened structure so that it leads to perfect swarf performance. -The tool magazine is well designed to provide the best stability. -A stronger saddle and an enlarged base frame are also installed to stabilize the performance on cutting.
Product Description : Steel industry, metal plates rolling production line, wire drawing production line and in processes such as acid pickling, degreasing and cleaning after annealing. Surface treatment such as brushing, grime removal, cleaning, etc. as part of large-scale equipment manufacturing processes for various types of automated production lines.
Product Description : An ultimate solution to making QR code tag for structural steel beam industry. From band feeding, QR coding, digit stamping, cutting, and collecting, all processes done in one machine.
Product Description : 螺紋護套, 是一種高強度的緊固件, 能在低強度的材料中提供高強度的緊固功能,螺紋護套已經在市場上發行約超過60年, 這些不銹鋼螺紋護套是以菱形輪廓的鋼線製成彈性螺旋, 並且經過質量驗證。護套安裝後,在導舌預定斷裂點折斷導舌,以使螺紋護套通孔.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 由於不斷的改良與優化,HELICOIL®Plus 螺紋護套 現在更容易安裝。<br /> <br /> 與HELICOIL®經典螺紋護套做比較, HELICOIL®Plus的線圈有特殊的起始, HELICOIL®Plus同樣是以菱形輪廓的鋼線製成的彈性螺旋, 於由線圈有特殊的起始, 安裝時可以像螺絲一樣被定位並擰入, 搭配現有的同一公稱系列工具組裝,與HELICOIL®經典螺紋護套的安裝做比較, 能縮短將近20%的安裝時間. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> HELICOIL®Plus 提供高強力, 能從側面到側面, 將力傳遞到螺紋。<br /> <br /> 這種高度可靠性的系統已被德國和國際工業產權提交。 HELICOIL®Plus根據一致性的材料和質量規範生產螺紋護套, 並滿足國家標準化以及航空和軍用標準的要求。 除此之外, 許多領先的大型用戶亦以HELICOIL®螺紋護套為基礎做為製造標準。<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Rm = tensile strength 1,400 N/mm2 min.<br /> HV = vickers hardness 425 HV 0.2 min.<br /> RZ = roughness depth approx. 2.5 μm<br /> μG = reduced thread friction, results in increased preload-force FV<br /> τt = reduction in torsion stress in the screw shank<br /> ===========================================================<br /> <br /> HELICOIL®無尾螺紋護套<br /> <br /> 1.無折斷,無斷裂<br /> -無風險的留在組件<br /> -減少安裝時間<br /> -減少測試時間<br /> <br /> 2.降低刀具磨損<br /> -工具刀片的磨損最小<br /> -易於維護<br /> <br /> 3.提高品質<br /> -簡單化的品量保證<br /> -高強度的配合螺紋盲孔深度或預裝配組件<br /> -符合NA0276標準
Product Description : CAPTRON is an experienced measuring technology manufacturer for the industry and the market leader in fill level measurement in the field of dispensing technology. Capacitive CAPTRON probes accurately and reliable measure the fill levels of liquids, bulky goods, pastes, adhesives and chemically aggressive materials. With the CAPselect system for level sensors, you are able to freely configure the probe of your choice depending on the application, container type and sensor properties. CAPTRON produces these with millimetre accuracy to ensure full flexibility. There are two systems to choose from: Compact probes, in which the electronics and probe form a single unit. Probes with external amplifiers that are suitable for applications with high temperatures and pressures. Thanks to their wear-free electronics combined with high-quality material such as stainless steel, Teflon and Peek, CAPTRON level sensors are reliable, robust and long-lasting.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : "Tukey is a No-Code AI platform designed to empower the manufacturing industry with AI solutions, assisting businesses in making optimal decisions in real-time. The key features of Tukey include user-friendly interfaces, easy scalability, and customizable development. With a friendly operating interface, users can effortlessly create, adjust, and continuously manage AI models. Additionally, users can access custom dashboards through Tukey's extension modules. Tukey excels in handling factory IoT data, ERP data, and CRM data. Through Tukey's drag-and-drop data extraction, automatic data preprocessing, and parameter adjustments, users can independently complete AI applications. After deploying their self-built artificial intelligence models, users can utilize Tukey's API to create their applications, such as integrating with BI tools or issuing anomaly notifications."
Product Description : The Plano Milling Head (Gantry Milling Head) are commonly used milling machine heads such as gantry milling machines, boring milling machines, and double-head milling machines. Uses include rough milling, finishing milling, boring holes... and other processing requirements. The left and right vertical milling heads offer excellent flexibility and adaptability. Their adjustable angles and swivel capabilities enable operators to perform angular milling, drilling, and other complex operations with ease. They are compatible with different milling machines, providing a seamless integration into existing setups or as a valuable addition to new milling machine installations. 1. IK milling heads can upgrade or replacement your existing machine body, milling machine or special machine and also it can bring more stable and high-quality machining benefits for work piece cutting. 2. It is used for mold manufacturing or precision processing. 3. The machine processing for travel is 320 mm. We also provide “No slide” format. 4. This product is used in Gantry (Plano) Milling Machine (vertical / horizontal), suitable for heavy metal cutting. 5. Plano milling head series offer accessory head for you to optional. It will apply for multi-angle machining to upgrade efficiency and longer machining range. 6. This product of standard motor is 10HP. We also offer 12.5HP for you to optional. 7. Offer pneumatic blade locking device, bearing guide screw, pneumatic leveler for you to optional. 8. There are 10 models in IK Plano Milling Machine Head Series.
Product Description :
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