Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Apollo HRM, a one-stop solution for personnel and administrative tasks such as attendance tracking, scheduling, approval workflows, payroll, insurance adjustments, and tax reporting. It improves efficiency by an average of 80-90%, simultaneously reducing management costs, allowing businesses to focus on building and sustaining talent. Key Features: Scale Flexibility: Whether a startup with three employees or a multinational corporation with tens of thousands, Apollo can flexibly meet the needs of businesses of any size. Real-time Legal Compliance Updates: The system is instantly updated according to changes in labor laws, ensuring that HR operations are legal and compliant, saving businesses from potential fines. Top-notch Cybersecurity: With ISO 27001 certification, IMPERVA WAF cloud firewall, TDE transparent data encryption, DR backups and disaster recovery across four locations, and regular third-party penetration testing, Apollo ensures the utmost security of corporate data.
Product Description : The latest crumb collection and +1um precision filtration machine. This bottom debris recovery filter is equipped with a 1.5-inch large suction pump, which can quickly collect and dry the bottom debris and sediment in the water tank, allowing customers to clean it conveniently. This machine is equipped with a multi-functional stainless steel filter barrel that can collect coarse bottom debris. At the same time, using our patented technology, there is no need to replace the filter barrel, and it can continuously perform precision filtration up to 1um, thereby intercepting and filtering impurities and suspended particles in the water.
Product Description : 多感測器 5 軸量測系統<br /> <br /> REVO 系統使用同步運動和 5 軸量測技術,在超高量測速度下,大幅減少 CMM 運動的動態影響。這正是藉由 REVO-2 測頭座進行快速運動,同時讓 CMM 以線性緩慢方式運動達成。使用彈性的端部感應測頭,進一步增加系統的精度和效能。可拆式測頭系統與低成本更換器搭配使用,可提高系統彈性。<br /> <br /> <br /> 速度、精度、靈活性<br /> <br /> 作為新設備或認證升級,REVO® 5 軸量測系統提供:<br /> <br /> • 表面光潔度量測和尺寸檢測。<br /> • 省下 15% 至 50% 循環時間。<br /> • 充分發揮產能,大幅降低資本投資。
Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
Product Description : Polytec 3D Scanning Vibrometers are state-of-the-art for noise and vibration measurement in research and development. Using three independent scanning heads they deliver the full information on all vibrational directions. The PSV-500-3D determines operational deflection shapes and Eigenmodes for NVH, acoustics, structural dynamics, ultrasonics, and FEM validation. The high frequency version up to 25 MHz extends the application range to non-destructive evaluation (NDE) research. Every PSV-500-3D integrates perfectly into the CAE world providing interfaces to 3D geometries, modal analysis and automation. The scanning heads based on helium-neon laser allow measurements even on tiny structures due to their especially small laser spot. PSV Scanning Vibrometers are available as a compact laptop version or as a practical rack-type workstation.
Product Description : Multipurpose End Mills with Corner Radius- 4 Flutes Using UMG carbide material enable to enhance lubrication and wear resistance. Effectively decrease the vibration by various helix geometry and unequal flutes designs. Big chip breaker is designed to reach high removal rate for various work materials. Cutting edge with corner radius design and nano multilayer coating AlCrN are suitable for carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel with impurities and sticky materials. Suitable for various kinds of work materials from the end of roughing to finishing.
POLISON Technology CO., LTD.
Product Description :
Product Description : ●drylin®自潤直線導軌T-直線導軌系統<br /> drylin®自潤直線導軌T型直線導軌系統特別適用於自動化及處理系統應用。 它開發的目的是為了創造在不同環境中,甚至在極端環境中的一種高性能免保養的直線導軌系統。 <br /> <br /> ●drylin® N緊湊型直線導軌系統<br /> drylin® N直線導軌/線性滑軌/直線滑軌超薄導向系統具有各種寬度的超薄尺寸。與所有drylin®直線滑軌產品相同,滑塊在陽極氧化鋁剖面上免上油運轉。 所用的材質和獨特的設計使drylin® N直線導軌/線性滑軌/直線滑軌成為一個經濟有效且靈活的導向系統。<br /> <br /> ●drylin® W - 幾乎無設計局限性的直線導向系統<br /> DryLin® W直線導軌/線性滑軌/直線滑軌——型材導向裝置<br /> drylin® W直線導軌/線性滑軌/直線滑軌型材導向裝置是一種經濟有效的預裝配系統。 這種設計提供了極大的設計自由度,單軌或雙軌應用還簡化了安裝。導軌材質選用硬質陽極氧化鋁,使型材導向裝置具有最佳摩擦和磨損性能。 由於不使用潤滑劑,系統耐髒污性極強,因此還非常適合清潔和衛生環境中的應用。<br /> <br /> ●drylin® 自潤直線導軌/線性導軌R <br /> drylin®自潤直線導軌R由高性能耐磨聚合物材料製成,特別適用於直線技術。 尺寸均與標準滾珠軸承一致。 特別的幾何形狀確保其在極端環境中依舊適用。<br /> 螺旋傳動裝置是將旋轉運動轉換成直線運動的機器元件。 drylin®直線導軌/線性滑軌螺旋傳動總是基於自<br /> 潤滑的塑膠螺母,因此無需外部潤滑就可實現長期運轉。 主軸(梯形螺紋或大螺距螺紋)保持乾運轉,從而具有很多技術優點。例如,無髒污黏在潤滑劑上的情況。 因此螺旋傳動既可以用於有極端髒污<br /> 積聚的環境中,也可以用於衛生領域。 不同的螺紋類型涵蓋了多種應用領域。<br /> <br /> 更多資訊:
Product Description : ▶High torque transmission ▶High cutting efficiency
Product Description : ● Periodic cutting stree is effectively suppressed by continuously changing outer teeth spacing,allowing for chattering control. ● Excellent anti-vibration performance compatible in a wide variety of milling for exotic alloys including SUS,inconel,and Titanium. ● Reduces chattering for high-speed and high-feed cutting. ● Ultra-smooth coating with significantly improvedcoating hardness and heat resistance improves tool live in heat resisitive ally maching.
Product Description : Automatic point marker is the best tool final the central poinet before punching. It's operated to aim at the central line and be pressed downward ; the central point will appear. The size of the point can be adjusted by the pressure lid , no need to use hammer.
Lotus Business Information Co., Ltd.
Product Description : This is one of the biggest B to B exhibitions held in “Central Japan,” an industrial area with a cluster of manufacturers. In 2022, 202 companies with 1,096 booths were registered in the exhibition. The scope of the exhibition is specialized in “industrial robots” used in manufacturing sites and logistics bases, “devices and equipment” with industrial robots integrated in them, and “automation systems” using like AGVs/AMRs.
Product Description : SAN YUAN Electrical Chain Hoist Large Capacity SIMPLY THE BEST HOISTS ON THE MARKET !! ●A secondary mechanical load brake is an additional features on ER3 models only. ●ER3 type Electric Chain Hoists & overhead crane. ●Provide more stable and smooth operation and reduce the shaking of the lifting weight!! ●The "double safety mechanism" clutch and upper and lower limit switches are used to ensure safe operation!! ●Tough body is made by Die-Cast Aluminum to keep dimension precision & outlook smooth.. ●IP55 Enclosure Dust-protected and jet protected. ●Torque limiter-high transmission efficiency, quiet It has a wide range of applications, including manufacturing, handling, storage, and engineering construction of various industrial hoisting, lifting, and lifting equipment.
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