Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : The DC12 is the most robust VMC in AXILE’s arsenal, perfectly suited for handling larger, lengthy workpieces. With a maximum table loading weight of 2.5 tonnes and maximum diameter of 2,200 mm X 1,200 mm, the DC12 takes on the larger, heavier parts common in the aerospace, power generation, and die and mold industries. Its double-column bridge construction allows for greater rigidity, as well as greater control over thermal deformation. As a result, the D12 is capable of deep cuts and complex contouring while maintaining utmost precision. With larger workpieces come more chips, meaning the DC12 features excellent chip removal efficiency, to prolong tool life and ensure no residual interference. Therefore, the DC12 delivers the high surface quality expected by leading manufacturers.
ChiHua Machinery Company Limited
Product Description : 奇樺工業秉持著高品質品管精密產品之樣品開發設計與量產製作,產品包含: 電子、汽機車、機械、醫療等相關精密之金屬或塑膠零組件…等產品項目,我們擁有為多家業界相關公司服務的豐富經驗。相信在我們嚴格把關之專業技術的服務下,能為您提供更完善的服務以及品質。
Fey Che Trading Co., LTD.
Product Description : [ 產品特點 ] *改善穩定性和卓越表面處理,減少振動和加工噪音 *為了最佳排屑及斷屑處理,採用特殊溝槽幾何形狀設計 *先進塗層技術減少磨損而提高耐熱性 *增強刀尖幾何形狀提高刀具壽命 [ 產品設計 ] *刀尖設計: YG-1的高性能刀尖設計(包括圓鼻設計),在高切削速度和重切削工況上發揮高壽命 *不等分度: 獨占的不等分度設計減少振動,提高排屑性能和工件表面粗糙度 *超微細顆粒硬質合金: 高級硬質合金基體具有優秀的耐磨性 *不等螺旋: 不等螺旋設計使最佳斷屑和排屑性能,快速和重切削上實現高生產率
Product Description : 由禮鑫所生產的工具機,機械皆採用日製高品質關鍵零組件;其中以控制器、軸承...等為主要項目,並且也不斷改良,以提升機械性能。<br /> <br /> 禮鑫高速車床為一體成型,低震動及高剛性,經過熱處理及精密研磨,以手工鏟花技術達到機械精度。<br /> 以 LIOUY HSING 品牌,優異的產品品質,並達成行銷全球、放眼國際。<br />
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