Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : The recently developed DATAFLEX® 16 is available for measuring torque ranges of 10 Nm, 30 Nm and 50 Nm. The torque is measured using the well-approved technology of wire strain gauges combined with the latest electronic components. The torque signals are processed without contact at a high resolution of 24 bit achieving an accuracy of 0.1 % of the terminal value. Supplementary to torque measuring the size 16 has a speed encoder providing two signals with a resolution of 360 pulses per revolution.
Product Description : "VM25" is a high-performance application of a fully modular system designed for grinding machines, including automatic balancing on the 1 and 2 sides of the grinding wheel spindle, the use of audio detection to control the contact of the grinding wheel to the workpiece or sand, online Measurement and off-line measurement (absolute or relative) and other functions. "B-Safe" can provide vibration and temperature information of the main shaft to detect and monitor the status analysis of the main shaft and machine. It is a new thinking product for intelligent monitoring. Its miniaturized volume design helps to install directly on the main shaft, ensuring that it can provide immediate monitoring of abnormal operating conditions, further predicting the timing of maintenance and failures, protecting your machine and reducing downtime.
Product Description : The performance of the spindle is an important key to processing quality. When you understand the performance of the spindle, you can predict and control the quality of the processed parts. The shape accuracy, roundness, and surface roughness of the workpieces are all related to the performance of the spindle. Only when the spindle is real measuring the accuracy of the spindle at the processing speed of the machine has meaning to the control of the quality of the processed parts, so measuring and understanding the performance of the machine tool, finding the best working speed, determining the warm-up time, even confirm the accuracy of the spindle after the collision. LION provided this SEA analysis system as early as 1993 to help spindle manufacturers, machine tool factories and processing plants to reduce workpiece defect rate and improve product quality. ★The SEA system complies with the following international standards: ✓ ANSI / ASME B5.54-2005: "Methods for Performance Evaluation of CNC Machining Centers" ✓ ISO230: Test Code for Machine Tools, 3: "Determination of Thermal Effects" 7: "Geometric Accuracy of Axes of Rotation" ✓ ANSI / ASME B5.57-1998: "Methods for Performance Evaluation of CNC Turning Centers" ✓ ANSI / ASME B89.3.4: "Axes of Rotation, Methods for Specifying and Testing"
Product Description : 瑞士ABB PMA針對工具機的應用,提供相對應的解決方案:例如針對加工區配管需要抗鐵屑噴濺、高IP防護等級,研發出三層電線保護管與IP69耐高壓水柱沖擊的產品;針對需要較高抗壓強度的機台外部配管,俱彈性又耐高壓荷力不變形的保護管;針對加工區上下料自動化設備配管,可提供耐撓曲的產品。PMA產品俱有難燃性、低煙、無毒等特性,符合歐盟CE規範與UL認證,滿足工具機廠外銷歐美市場的需求。
Product Description : 水車式伺服展刀主軸頭為翰坤五金機械有限公司所研發最新產品之一,此產品經由伺服馬達控制展刀行程與主軸進給,而主軸轉速可搭配一般三相馬達或伺服馬達控制。主軸鼻端精度在0.002mm內,展刀重複定位精度在0.01mm以內。<br /> 展刀行程是由C5等級滾珠螺桿與線性滑軌來傳動拉桿控制,展刀主軸頭產品適用於圓孔內/外加工,車銑,車牙,搪溝槽,錐形,凹面或凸面等圓球面加工。此產品已獲得台灣精品獎正式頒發肯定,是精密專用機械設計最佳自動化工具。
Product Description : Coupling elements of HYDROKOMP are made of stainless materials. This enables the elements to be used for all fluids and gases that are not aggressive. Special designs eg. for water steam or other media are available on request. HYDROKOMP offers coupling elements for two different operating modes depressurized coupling or pressurized coupling. The elements for depressurized coupling can be coupled pressurized up to 25 bar, if the specified volume flow is not be exceeded. When using higher operating pressure there ockures a risk of demaging the soft seal in the check valve as the result of high flow velocities of the fluid. This means for coupling of air up to 10 bar there should be always used the coupling elements for depressurized coupling. This also applies when the coupling process is initiated pressurized. The elements which can be coupled pressurized may be coupled up to the maximum specified operating pressure on one side and / or on both sides.
Product Description : 1.立車主軸轉盤以進口交叉滾子軸承設計,確保重負荷的能力及長期的精度壽命。 2. Z軸226 mm方型滑枕搪孔軸採硬軌配Turcite B結構,VTC1612-CW標準行程900mm。 3.底座、立柱、橫樑、工作台等大型鑄件依製造需要,經由最新的3D設計,剛性最佳化,並以 多年經驗訂定有效的退火程序以消除殘餘應力,多年實際應用經驗,確實能達成有效的長期精 度保持性。 4.X、Z軸標準配備採用「雙編碼器」的「雙」半閉環回饋系統,經濟有效的提高各軸的定位精度。 (X、Z軸可選購德國Heidenhain或西班牙FAGOR光學尺)。 5.VTC-CW標準刀庫容量為16P(16儲位),車刀型式及分配數目可依客戶要求處理。 6.主軸箱等關鍵零件係利用自有的「大型臥式鏜孔機」及「大型高精度三次元量測儀(三座標量床)」 確實達成應有的加工精度,確保優良的組裝基礎。 7.承襲歐美先進工具機廠的標準,以嚴格維護的「1.2米x1.2米」高精密度的方形標準平板做為精密 精度的基礎,對各項關鍵零件進行精密鏟花(刮研),使機器的各處結合面和滑動面均能達到正確的 幾何精度,確保機器應有的精度和壽命。 8.搭配高規格的Fanuc數控系統,標準功能包含:15吋彩色液晶螢幕、Fanuc全鍵式操作面板、 2MB記憶容量、Ethernet網路接口、Flash記憶卡插口、剛性攻牙及各種特殊補間(插補)等多項 高規格功能,能經濟有效的滿足各種使用需求。 9.採用的各項配套零組件均經過長期使用驗證,可確保機器長期運行的可靠性。 10.完整的品檢測試流程,搭配先進的自動光學直準儀、雷射干涉儀、球桿檢測儀、線上動平衡儀等 精密檢測儀器,確保出廠的機器都能達到設計的性能和應有的功能。 11.經驗豐富的研發團隊,突破老舊的包袱,協助客戶達成各種特殊需求。 12.兼具經驗和熱誠的服務團隊和完整的服務體系,可以及時有效的讓用戶的機器長保最佳使用狀態。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Taifon Computer Co., Ltd. provides the EnVision360 Energy Management Platform, enabling real-time electricity monitoring, that helps users monitor demand response and detect electrical anomalies through data visualization with power consumption trends. By utilizing this cloud-based energy management platform in conjunction with smart meters, it is possible to establish energy baselines, calculate energy efficiency index, and effectively manage energy consumption with ease.
Product Description : 研磨鎢鋼鑽頭的利器 一機可磨麻花、中心、定位鑽以及鎢鋼鑽頭。
Product Description : Delivers higher stability with gantry design<br />
Parjet Co.,Ltd.
Product Description : Parjet has become a leader in the sealing industry by providing a full range of sealing solutions. For every complex seal application, Parjet has a solution. Mechanical shaft seals are often an ideal sealing method. They provide the most suitable sealing method under many conditions especially high temperatures, high pressures, high viscosity (sediment), high speeds, large diameters, and many others. Most importantly, we have a highly technical mechanical seal providing and customizing the most optimal sealing solution for you.
Product Description : ◎ Repeatability: < 1μm (2σ) ◎ Low triggering force ◎ Short triggering distance, approximately 0.1mm ◎ Fast single measurement speed, less than 8 seconds
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