Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : This machine is an improved model from the Y Rail model, featuring similar functions. Designed standard with 4-station hanger with two side doors on blasting chamber. To meet your specific production line requirements, additional hangers are available for the entire working environment. Contact us for further details. Features: 1.The machine employs a PLC controller for continuous cycles of blasting operation. 2.The cycle motions are: the hanging shaft enters the blasting chamber, and then moves to a fixed position at a lower speed. The door closes automatically. Once the door is closed, the blade starts running automatically, and the machine performs blasting. Once operation is accomplished, steel balls are supplied and the blade stops automatically. When the blade comes to a complete stop, the door opens automatically. When the door opens to the fixed position, the chain conveyor quickly delivers the nest hanging rod into the blasting chamber, then moves forward at a lower speed to a fixed position. The door closes automatically and performs the nest cycle of blasting operation.
Product Description : Cloud Computing Mobile App The popularization of smartphones, tablets, and 4G networks have changed the modern marketing models; to help customers take the lead in grasping market opportunities, we combine cloud computing services and tailor-made mobile native apps for iOS/Android to help companies to create all-round competition advantages, looking forward to establishing a long-term partnership with customers for win-win and common prosperity. Enterprise Self-Platform Plan the backend management system for customers according to their needs, and assist customers in solving the pain points in the operation process and content management, such as membership management, production line management, machine registration, web content management, App content management, etc., in an all-in-one integrated backend management system, looking forward to providing customers with the best information integration platform. Cloud Computing Hosting Service GTMC cooperates with leading cloud computing brands: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Alibaba Cloud and Chunghwa Telecom IDC. We have cloud computing services and the latest technology to provide customers with the best solutions. Exhibition Service Assist the organizer to manage manufacturer and visitor information, provide visitors to accurately find exhibitors and products, increase the popularities of exhibits online with the most intuitive search method and use the APP functions for visitor registrations, event calendar and booth map to help for the exhibition hosting. 3D Display Solution Integrate 3D technology on the company marketing website and present perfect product design drawings through excellent 3D designers to help customers understand the products. In addition, it supports real-time change of product appearance according to selection requirements, completes quotations and sets product specifications, and assists to increase product sales and accelerate production.
Product Description : 牌號: 適用加工材料:<br /> <br /> MD10 厚度小於0.2毫米的銅、鋁等薄片<br /> <br /> MD15 銅、鋁、不銹鋼等薄片<br /> <br /> MD20 通用性強,銅、鋁等薄片<br /> <br /> MD35A Q195 、SPCC等冷軋板<br /> <br /> MD36 EI 片、SPCC板等<br /> <br /> MD40A Q195 、SPCC等冷軋板<br /> <br /> MD45A 矽鋼片,冷軋板<br /> <br /> MD55 矽鋼片,上下沖頭<br /> <br /> ST05B 耐磨性好,模腔形狀簡單的模具。<br /> <br /> ST15B 通用性強,軟磁材料,鐵、銅基粉末模具。<br /> .<br /> ST10F 超細晶粒,適合硬磁材料成形模具。<br /> <br /> MD45A 適合型腔複雜的模具。<br /> <br /> MD50A 適合高負荷且型腔很複雜的模具。<br /> <br /> ST10B 綜合性能好,加工實木、密度板、刨花板及灰口鑄鐵、有色金屬等材料。<br /> <br /> ST10C 通用性強,加工實木、密度板、灰口鑄鐵、有色金屬等材料。<br /> <br /> ST03F 超細晶粒,抗腐蝕性能好、高耐磨,適用於有腐蝕介質的竹木刀具及製動材料的切削刀具。<br /> <br /> ST05F 超細晶粒,高硬度、高耐磨,適用於竹木刀具。<br /> <br /> ST10F 超細晶粒,適合製作形狀簡單的木工刀具和加工銅鋁合金、PCB、玻纖強化材料、制動材料、 <br /> 石墨。<br /> <br /> ST11F 超細晶粒,適合加工硬木、密度板、刨花板等木工,竹木材料及加工鋁合金、淬硬鋼、冷硬鑄 <br /> 鐵、制動材料。<br /> <br /> ST12F 超超細晶粒,適合加工刨花板, 不銹鋼、高淬硬鋼(硬度>HRC60)、玻纖強化材料,尤其適 <br /> 合金屬的高速切削和乾切削。<br /> <br /> ST15F 超細晶粒,適合加工硬木、密度板、刨花板等木工材料及纖維強化材料。<br /> <br /> ST20F 通用性強,主要適用於灰口鑄鐵、冷硬鑄鐵、合金鋼等。<br /> <br /> ST25F 高溫合金、不銹鋼、鈦合金、淬硬鋼、絲錐。<br /> <br /> MD46A 耐磨性要求高,縮徑、單次變形量小的模具。<br /> <br /> MD50A 加工不銹鋼以及單次變形量不大的模具。<br /> <br /> MD60A 直桿,螺絲,螺帽上模等。<br /> <br /> MD62A 工作負荷較大的沉頭模具。<br /> <br /> MD65A 工作負荷較大的直桿模具。<br /> <br /> MD70A 螺帽下模、工作負荷大的模具<br /> ST06F 直徑小於1.5mm的鋼絲、鎢絲、鉬絲等硬材高速拉絲拉拔和表面光潔度要求很高的有色金屬線 <br /> 材的拉製。耐腐蝕性強,在酸性潤滑拉伸時更為優越。<br /> <br /> ST19F 直徑在1.5mm~15mm範圍內的鋼絲、鎢絲、鉬絲等硬材高速拉絲拉拔和表面光潔度要求高的 <br /> 有色金屬管(線)材的拉製。<br /> <br /> ST10UF 700系鋁、PCB、銅鋁合<br /> <br /> ST25EF 不銹鋼、模具鋼、高溫合金
Product Description : Providing clean compressed air without energy consumption No power required Applying characteristics of compressed air, hydromechanics and physical principles to design internal structure. Consumable-free, maintenance-free Exclusive patented structural design can separate moisture from compressed air without consumables. Efficiency of air drying and moisture filtration: 99% Patented high efficiency water-cooled heat exchanger and special air-water separation structure. High quality, durable, and longevity up to 10 years No compromise on quality, the product is made in Taiwan. No electronic and other energy-driven device Suitable for those who have special needs for compressed air.
Product Description :
Product Description : 本公司為專業零組件代工廠,並通過英國UKAS ISO9001 國際認證,已累積幾十年的專業技術經驗,採用先進CAD、CAM轉CNC程式與精密的量測儀器,例如:真圓度機、二次元投影機、三次元量測等,提供最好的品質與迅速的產能。<br /> 主要製作大直徑(∮50~∮300)四軸、五軸車銑複合零件加工,服務範<br /> 圍包括光電業、LCD零件、汽車零件業、航太零件業、PCB鑽孔機主軸<br /> 金屬零配件、傳統產業、機器業、各類內(外)鍵槽拉削加工、精密小主<br /> 軸(精度0.002mm)、精密定位導柱(精度0.002mm)、醫療器材等。<br />
Product Description : Linear encoders are indispensable for machines with high demands regarding positioning accuracy and machining speed. Linear encoders directly and immediately measure the actual position of the feed axis. This makes it possible to eliminate a number of potential error sources: Positioning error due to thermal behavior of the recirculating ball screw , Reversal error, errors due to deformation of the drive mechanics by machining forces, kinematic errors through pitch error in the recirculating ball screw.
Product Description : 油霧回收機本體特色 : ●機體材質鋁合金成型,重量輕,堅固耐用 ●強力高風壓,最大可達320mmAq流量流速穩,過濾效能高 ●使用感應式馬達,電量省 散熱快 適合長時間運轉 ●結構式原理回收油霧,直立式設計,不震動,低噪音 ●安裝容易,不佔空間,使廠內機械移位佈置更容易 ●捨棄式濾網,10秒快速更換,保養容易,工安無慮
A Being Kou Tools Co., Ltd.
Product Description : After becoming frustrated by the existing coolant hose products on the market; all of which suffered from a variety of shortcomings, Arnold Lockwood conceived the idea for the modular hose that became Loc-Line®. The shortcomings of the existing products included, metal coolant hoses that would not stay where they were positioned and plastic hoses with metal positioning rods that broke. In 1981 Lockwood Products was formed to develop and distribute Loc-Line®. The first products were shipped in August of 1983. Loc-Line® quickly became the standard for coolant delivery around the world and was easily recognized by our Blue and Orange colors and consistent high quality. Today Loc-Line® is still the leader in modular hose and continues to innovate in the modular hose field. Loc-Line® is used not only as a coolant hose but for air delivery, smoke and dust removal vacuum systems, agriculture, third arm uses including positioning cameras, lights and items for handicap assist. We here at Lockwood Products, Inc are proud to have originated the modular hose Loc-Line© that remains the standard for the industry worldwide! Please visit one of our distributors today and see for yourself why Loc-Line remains the best and most versatile solution in the world today!
ChiHua Machinery Company Limited
Product Description : 現階段奇樺的團隊從模具設計開發、試產、品質檢驗到大量生產、加工及包裝出貨皆可一條龍包辦;開發及生產過程中我們積極與客戶雙向溝通、找出問題、提供對策,讓客戶透明掌握自己的設計及生產大小細節。
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