Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : Strategy-Based, Driving Brand Development: We carry out brand development based on strategic thinking, starting from industry research and analysis, proposing decision-making basis, digging out the most suitable brand positioning, and solving business problems with design thinking. We recruit cross-field talents to assist companies in integrating brand market communication, marketing exposure planning, and visual design to achieve sustainable brand development.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : iMES's real-time Internet of Things and monitoring reports gradually achieve smart manufacturing remote monitoring, providing each manufacturing customer with six major capabilities, including real-time collection of production data, working hours management, exception notification, intelligent management of production lines, optimization of production schedules, etc. Intelligent production applications realize automated and efficient interconnected factories. 1. Arrange optimal production schedule. 2. Generate ERP work orders. 3. Automatically manage machine recipe parameters. 4. Two-way real-time control of the machine device. 5. Manage the triggering rules for subsequent tasks on the machine. 6. Automation machine completion report information.
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會, 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體,以為配合政府提倡產業升級, 並促進雷射應用產業 提升專業技術,期能透過本會與產、官、學界相互交流,建立產業發展共識,及與政府對話的管道。同時透過各項國際交流,積極開拓商機,提振我國企業全球競爭力, 期與世界同步發展為宗旨。 協會致力於機械鈑金平台服務,結合產官學的政策,可以用團體力量來引領企業成長。 製造業的傳承經驗,技術的累積聚眾,誠摯邀請大家的參與。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Transforming maintenance history into a digital knowledge base to enhance maintenance efficiency and reduce learning costs. 1.Establishing SOP standard maintenance procedures 2.Uploading text, images, and videos freely 3.Easily accessing through website and app 4.Customizing knowledge base languages based on different countries 5.Calculating average failure rates by region and machine model 6.Maintenance progress scheduling calendar 7.Remote automatic reporting system
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : VES數位資料保護系統歷經20多年市場經驗及眾多的客戶信賴,專注於資料保護技術研發,可以有效解決資料保護的問題,提供完整的解決方案。 VES資料保護系統採取帳號身分認證、沙箱安全、文件加密、權限管理及加密連線、特定通訊協定 程式白名單..等安全技術,有效的達到勒索及駭客無法攻擊已受到保護的資料及文件。VES 透過一鍵登入的使用方式有效的整合對內外部的防禦機制,針對資料保護提供一個簡單及完整有效的解決方案。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Apollo HRM, a one-stop solution for personnel and administrative tasks such as attendance tracking, scheduling, approval workflows, payroll, insurance adjustments, and tax reporting. It improves efficiency by an average of 80-90%, simultaneously reducing management costs, allowing businesses to focus on building and sustaining talent. Key Features: Scale Flexibility: Whether a startup with three employees or a multinational corporation with tens of thousands, Apollo can flexibly meet the needs of businesses of any size. Real-time Legal Compliance Updates: The system is instantly updated according to changes in labor laws, ensuring that HR operations are legal and compliant, saving businesses from potential fines. Top-notch Cybersecurity: With ISO 27001 certification, IMPERVA WAF cloud firewall, TDE transparent data encryption, DR backups and disaster recovery across four locations, and regular third-party penetration testing, Apollo ensures the utmost security of corporate data.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Founded in 2017, Sinaje provides complete solutions for energy management and net-zero carbon emissions, from carbon health inspection, energy-saving energy storage and integrated dispatch , helping companies achieve net-zero and sustainability goals. The product is based on the AIoT Internet of Things platform and provides more than 20 on-demand energy solutions, such as power and demand management, air conditioning and ice machines, energy storage systems, charging pile management, organizational carbon health inspection, etc., to meet the needs of enterprises. , energy management needs for energy creation and energy storage. The system has been introduced to more than 800 cases around the world, and 11 industrial parks in Taiwan, managing more than 40,000 air conditioners and ice machines, saving an average cost of more than 10%. In-Energy is a one-stop energy saving, energy creation, energy storage and charging platform that monitors energy consumption and provides energy saving suggestions and optimization solutions. The In-ESG Organizational Carbon Health Inspection Platform offers greenhouse gas emission monitoring and management tools, assisting businesses in assessing and controlling their carbon footprint.
Product Description : Designing Is to Deliver A Better Life Experience Experience design is a coherent journey of using, from exploration and research, innovative concepts to design implementation, the whole process should be taken seriously. In order to achieve this kind of experience design, GTMC has established a UX design team with talents including user research, information architecture, interactive designers, visual designers, web designers, and front-end engineers. The team is diverse, full of enthusiasm, and also paranoid about design.
Product Description : 致力於為您的網站提供高效的優化解決方案。我們的專業團隊擁有豐富的經驗和深厚的專業知識,能夠提升您的網站在搜索引擎排名中的競爭力,吸引更多的目標客戶。無論您是剛剛起步還是想提升現有網站的能見度,我們都能協助為您量身定制最佳解決方案。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Vital NetZero, a system for ISO 50001 Energy Inventory, ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory, and ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint, helps corporations with daily carbon inventory, net zero emission data, and document management work.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : In order to decrease probability of the work safety accident, occupational disaster lost and casualties. We are focus on staff, machine, materials, environment in the process. We used AI, IOT and cloud service to develop an intellgent and automatic manage method. Through the AI to predict environmental hazards, confirm the people equiment, guardianship and machine function to achieve work safety, quality, warning and smart progress management. It promote the manage efficiency, decrease the cost of manage and occupational disaster happening in the same time.
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