Digital Transformation
Green Transformation
Product Description : 致力於為您的網站提供高效的優化解決方案。我們的專業團隊擁有豐富的經驗和深厚的專業知識,能夠提升您的網站在搜索引擎排名中的競爭力,吸引更多的目標客戶。無論您是剛剛起步還是想提升現有網站的能見度,我們都能協助為您量身定制最佳解決方案。
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
Product Description : 一年兩期的雜誌約莫印製1100-1300本之間 贊助會員固定有一頁的上刊頁面 雜誌除了寄發協會會員 也會提供贊助會員本數 可以發送潛在友好客戶 歡迎業界善加運用增加曝光效益。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : 多國語言四海矯龍CEO智慧行動商務系統(含外勤及主管) 1. 是可以善用手機聲音速記變成文字寫入CRM。用嘴巴說話可寫工作計畫。寫工作計畫及工作報告。寫出即時通溝通內容。 2. 外勤搜尋客戶的時候,連結雲端ERP客戶主檔位址用Google或百度地圖導航拜訪客戶及直接撥客戶主檔電話聯繫他到訪時間。 3 .外勤顧問到派工單指示地奌打卡簽到拍場景。會把當地経度緯度上傳雲端ERP_CRM 精確掌握外勤行動地址及回報工作內容。 4. 外勤行動在外可用手機查庫存,幫客戶下單當場請客戶確認。 5. 主管行動在外也可簽核估價單、銷貨訂單、請購單、採購單、請假單、會計傳票。出貨單,進貨單。 6. 主管隨時看各部門差勤到工人數,沒計畫做事之呆人、懶人、忙人, 7 .主管隨時看財務調度。工廠生產機台異常燈號警告。
Product Description : Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Search engine optimization (SEO) PPC Ads Banner Ads Link Marketing Email Direct Marketing (EDM) Viral Marketing Blogging/ Social Media Marketing
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : In order to decrease probability of the work safety accident, occupational disaster lost and casualties. We are focus on staff, machine, materials, environment in the process. We used AI, IOT and cloud service to develop an intellgent and automatic manage method. Through the AI to predict environmental hazards, confirm the people equiment, guardianship and machine function to achieve work safety, quality, warning and smart progress management. It promote the manage efficiency, decrease the cost of manage and occupational disaster happening in the same time.
FanRuan Software
Product Description : Jodoo is an all-in-one no-code application development platform. Jodoo is oriented toward salespeople, managers, and part of IT developers. It can help them develop business-friendly management applications with no code, such as PSI, production management, performance management, and so on.
CloudRiches Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Product Description : Azure OpenAI Service 為安全且完全受控之企業級生成式AI服務,可透過 REST API 及SDK整合相關Microsoft和 Azure 相關應用程式及服務,幫助企業輕鬆串接其內部知識庫及系統,並可根據不同產業需求微調。 安全性方面,Microsoft承諾不會使用企業的資料進行訓練、改進任何模型,且在對話過程中採用符合 FIPS 140-2 標準的 256 位 AES 進行加、解密,可有效防止機敏資訊遭竊取或竄改。 雲馥數位提供基於Azure OpenAI Service的一站式解決方案,並從用戶介面開發與應用設計(UI Application)、提示設計(Prompt Design)、API整合直至數據管理、具備多種行業應用場景,讓客戶快速地實現商業想法,並拓展新的市場機會。 雲馥數位長期深耕AI人工智慧技術研究與發展,在Data & AI的專業及成就,更於2022年及2023年連續兩年獲得台灣微軟年度最佳Data & AI合作夥伴獎。
FanRuan Software
Product Description : FineReport is a reporting and business intelligence software designed specifically for enterprises, featuring the characteristics of "simplicity, professionalism, and flexibility." Its highly adaptable product attributes cater to a diverse range of industries, including manufacturing, retail, finance, energy and chemicals, construction and engineering, healthcare, and more. Website:
FanRuan Software
Product Description : FineBI is a self-service business intelligence tool that enables users to intuitively discover, analyze, and alert hidden issues within data through data analysis dashboards. It allows for timely response to business risks and identification of areas for growth. With FineBI, everyone can leverage data analysis to enhance business operations. FineBI assists enterprises in swiftly establishing a data analysis and business intelligence platform accessible to all members, enabling a comprehensive understanding and utilization of their data. This support aids in decision-making and enhances overall business performance.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
Product Description : Founded in 2017, Sinaje provides complete solutions for energy management and net-zero carbon emissions, from carbon health inspection, energy-saving energy storage and integrated dispatch , helping companies achieve net-zero and sustainability goals. The product is based on the AIoT Internet of Things platform and provides more than 20 on-demand energy solutions, such as power and demand management, air conditioning and ice machines, energy storage systems, charging pile management, organizational carbon health inspection, etc., to meet the needs of enterprises. , energy management needs for energy creation and energy storage. The system has been introduced to more than 800 cases around the world, and 11 industrial parks in Taiwan, managing more than 40,000 air conditioners and ice machines, saving an average cost of more than 10%. In-Energy is a one-stop energy saving, energy creation, energy storage and charging platform that monitors energy consumption and provides energy saving suggestions and optimization solutions. The In-ESG Organizational Carbon Health Inspection Platform offers greenhouse gas emission monitoring and management tools, assisting businesses in assessing and controlling their carbon footprint.
Product Description : 德國 Hoffmann 加工冷卻過濾設備, 配備在 Reishauer. Liebherr. Klingelnberg. Kapp Niles. Gleason Pfauter... 等,富達興企業代理之德國Hoffmann 冷卻過濾機台提供設備的維護、維修、備品(過濾帶.膠條.濾紙.清潔毛刷)。
Product Description : 透過物聯網串聯工廠內獨立機台,將設備數據數位化,以電子看板、Line或網站方式實現可視化和透明化,進一步預測趨勢並主動控制,實現高效管理。 瞭解更多:
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