產品描述 : 源自德國Bosch Rexroth的空壓部門,自2014年起Aventics成為獨立的氣動元件和系統製造商,並於2019年成為Emerson集團旗下一員。 Aventics在德國拉岑、法國邦納維爾;美國列剋星敦;匈牙利埃格爾、和中國的常州都設有工廠,製造氣動閥,氣動缸,方向控制閥,壓力控制閥,電動氣動閥,電磁閥,夾持器,氣動配件,流量控制器,執行器,船舶推進控制器等供應高性能與耐用度、世界首屈一指的空壓系統元件。
產品描述 : Swing clamp cylinders release the clamping point on the workpiece. With this, it is easy to change the workpiece. This hydraulic swing clamp cylinder operates as single-acting or double-acting traction cylinder, whereas part of the stroke is used to rotate the piston. The model with 0° swing angle operates only vertical as traction cylinder. To guarantee a long lifetime the cylinders have an integrated metal wiper as standard. For oil supply, the cylinders are equipped with threaded port and manifold port with O-ring for drilled channels. You can select between right or left turning models with various standardized swing angles. The integrated overload protection protects the swing mechanism from damage due blockage of the rotation or improper assembly of the clamping arm. For any risk of exceeding the permitted volume flow a throttle check valve must be interposed into the oil supply line. Counter-hold the clamping arm when tightening or loosening the counter nut in order to prevent torque transfer to the piston rod and to avoid damage to the ball guide. Variations with 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° swing angles are available. The permitted operating pressure is depending from the clamping arm length.
產品描述 : 培凱在密封領域的貢獻就是能創造全方位的密封解決方案。縱使對於極為複雜的密封介質也能駕輕就熟。 機械軸封是目前最理想的密封方式,對於任何條件(尤其高溫&高壓&高黏度(沉積物)&高速&大口徑等)皆能提供最適合的對應方式,最重要的是我們有非常專業的技術團隊可及時提出解決方案並量身訂製您所期待的設計規劃。 再者,站在使用者角度將極為複雜的工況&條件透過材料的特性&產品機能的擴充創造機械軸封最大的使用極限與價值,讓密封技術變得很簡單。
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