產品描述 : 1.Down thrust with"semi-sphere"to prevent workpiece lift. 2.Mechanical/Hydraulic. Two operate methods. 3.Vise body is made of ductile iron FCD-60. 4.Vise bed hardened to HRC45 and maintain accuracy for long. 5.Vise bed height-size and the guide block side are all made with full control, can 2.3 or 4 vises to perform a job at a time. 6.Vise have 4 ways of clamping. For you to choice.
產品描述 : 精密鑽夾具適用於鑽床、銑床加工機、切削工具機、加工放電機、攻牙機、CNC車床、工具機等配件、主軸配件(四瓣爪、噴水頭)
產品描述 : 彈簧迫緊搭扣|中荷重22~50 kgf,兩邊有彈簧,具有迫緊式功能 可用銅掛鎖阻絕彈開可能性及增加安全性,用於振動設備極佳 外觀平滑不傷手,拋毛絲美觀表面,合乎RoHS規範 搭扣含圖中之平面鉤 [CS(T)-0120-2 或 CS(T)0130-2],若須搭配其他鉤仔,請參考下方推薦配件之鉤仔 ➤材質分為:SUS304不鏽鋼(不銹鋼)-拋毛絲面,鋼材-鍍鋅
產品描述 : High-strength connection and maximum sealing Can you imagine high-quality products without screw connections? Modern technology cannot do without them as detachable joints. In the industrial sector, fluid technology, pneumatics and sealing technology are among the fields of application. In those sectors, often additional functions such as sealing, insulation or reuse of bolts are required – only to mention a few. One classic example are adjusting screws on hydraulic components, steering boxes and fuel injection pumps. For those applications, high-strength screw connections with reusable bolts and sealing against leakage are essential. We provide the solution that fulfils those high requirements: the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut. It prevents any unwanted leaking of gaseous or liquid media. The SEAL LOCK® ring integrated on the nut helps to achieve reliable sealing inside the thread without the use of additional elements. It is reliable in two ways because it seals under the head and inside the thread. Not to mention the easy installation. The following figures show conventional solutions on the one hand and the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut on the other hand.
產品描述 : 分割機構採用板形共軛凸輪,刀塔結構簡單,耐用性高,適合重切削。<br /> 使用油壓動力源來驅動刀盤旋轉、分度及鬆開鎖緊,動作確實順暢。<br /> 刀塔可左右就近選取刀具,配合進接開關及邏輯線路控制,不亂刀。
產品描述 : 滾齒凸輪無背隙數控多主軸分度盤
產品描述 : SYG-120-42K : 主軸外徑:120mm 刀把規格:Quill D22/38 M22XP2.0 最高轉速:42,000 RPM 潤滑方式:Oil-air 馬達功率:11.5/17 Kw SYG-150-30K : 主軸外徑:150mm 刀把規格:Quill 最高轉速:30,000 RPM 潤滑方式:Oil-air 馬達功率:15/17 Kw
產品描述 : 功 能: 1.解決設備、模具之側向吊裝,可供模具、機器、廠內吊裝使用 2.高側向承載力,避免傳統馬達吊環因側向應力而彎曲 3.本體可完全360度旋轉 4.隨貨附有KEY 免用板手即可輕鬆安裝 特 色: 1.產品擁有國際專利結構及國際認證,出貨附測試證書 2.合金鋼製造,具高側向荷重(M8*0.3t~M64*12t) 3.M24眼型旋轉吊環的強度高於M64的傳統馬達吊環 4.本體可完全360度旋轉配合使用方向
產品描述 : HWR 創立於1977年,總部位於德國不萊梅。 為夾持異型、薄件、工件之專家,專精於補償求心夾持系統及零點定位系統。HWR 能依照客戶的應用提供最佳的解決方案。也開始將客戶的要求放在首位。其自行研發的創新系統滿足各種應用工序的要求。想要有效、低成本或的最佳生產效果,找HWR!!
產品描述 : ◎主軸孔端斜度:ISO-50 ◎法蘭介面外徑:Ø250 / Ø300 ◎最高轉速:1500RPM ◎適用工作: 0~800RPM-重切削; 800~1500RPM-精銑、鑽孔、搪孔
產品描述 : 四軸MNC系列.五軸PAR(S)與DMTRT系列.FMH千分臥式旋轉工作台(雙盤).FMHG一度臥式旋轉工作台(單盤).HMC千分臥式旋轉工作台(單盤).HMG一度臥式旋轉工作台(單盤).APC立式與臥式自動交換工作台.SNC搖擺頭.VLHI油壓分度盤.FMS倉儲系統.
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