產品描述 : 健椿因應智慧化趨勢,將展出具感知性能的高速CNC綜合加工機精密智慧主軸,強調擴增位移、溫度及振動的感測功能且可達30,000RPM的高速精密主軸。 特點1.高速30,000RPM 2.溫度自動化感測 3.熱膨脹位移感應、振動感應偵測 4.高迴轉精度
產品描述 : High-strength connection and maximum sealing Can you imagine high-quality products without screw connections? Modern technology cannot do without them as detachable joints. In the industrial sector, fluid technology, pneumatics and sealing technology are among the fields of application. In those sectors, often additional functions such as sealing, insulation or reuse of bolts are required – only to mention a few. One classic example are adjusting screws on hydraulic components, steering boxes and fuel injection pumps. For those applications, high-strength screw connections with reusable bolts and sealing against leakage are essential. We provide the solution that fulfils those high requirements: the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut. It prevents any unwanted leaking of gaseous or liquid media. The SEAL LOCK® ring integrated on the nut helps to achieve reliable sealing inside the thread without the use of additional elements. It is reliable in two ways because it seals under the head and inside the thread. Not to mention the easy installation. The following figures show conventional solutions on the one hand and the SEAL LOCK® sealing nut on the other hand.
產品描述 : 諧波減速機(DATORKER® Strain Wave Gear): HIWIN諧波減速機具有高精度、高效率、高扭轉剛性、低啟動扭力等特性。可使用於機器人、自動化設備、半導體設備、工具機等產業。開發多種樣式、規格與減速比,能提供客戶多種選擇與客製化服務,滿足客戶設計需求。
產品描述 : 16點固態繼電器輸出控制應用,採用OMRON G3DZ-DZ02P-DC24 SSR 繼電器(1a 接點), 搭配WAGO 5.00mm 直插彈片式端子台,可應用於市面上各PLC/CNC 品牌「通用款」, PLC與模組雙向快速連接, 達到省時、省力、省配線, 大幅提升效能、有效降低成本
產品描述 : 變頻冷卻機以高精度機板控制溫度在±0.1℃,解決工具機在各產業,製程溫度越來越高,機台壽命越來越低的問題。持續對溫度做高精度的控制,使得機台加工件達到更高的精準度,做出更完美的物件,更不會因地區頻率不同而降低效能,延長機具壽命、效率倍增、節能更是變頻帶來的外加價值。
產品描述 : 鋁製全包型軟爪適用於CNC車床
產品描述 : ◎主軸孔端斜度:ISO 50 ◎法蘭介面外徑:Ø250 / Ø300 ◎最高轉速:3000RPM ◎適用工作: 0~800RPM-輕切削; 800~3000RPM-精銑
產品描述 : 放工件數:放2件 / 放4件 應用:四軸治具 (可加工3面)、V型鉗口應用、平面併列式
產品描述 : The soft jaws - 1.5mm x 60 Degree- standard type (SJ08037B) is used in the CNC lathe. According to different process terms, customers can choose varied sizes to be more convenient, and avoid unnecessary correction movement. Available in steel(S50C)
產品描述 : 1. IK 銑頭可為您原有的機身、銑床或專用機做升級及更換。 2. 具有超精密預壓軸承,可為您帶來優質的切削效益,同時也提供P4級軸承供您做選配。 3. 加工行程可達127mm (5")。 4. 本產品方型砲塔銑頭主軸端面形式標配為NT30,另外也提供R8供您做選配。 5. IK砲塔銑頭系列共有11個產品。
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