产品描述 : 本公司創立40餘年,致力於噴洗機製造、經驗豐富,本機台主要特色為利用軌道加上吊車及吊具進行工件之表面噴洗,特殊設計可於短時間達表面清潔美觀效果。廣泛應用於鑄造、鍛造、壓鑄、汽車零件、烤漆業…等工件之表面噴洗。提供客製化研發設計服務,生產依ISO標準製程,產品具多項專利、功能俱佳,本機特色為利用公轉與自轉原理設計,可大幅降低時間與人力成本,適用於任何需表面處理之物件。
产品描述 : Miracle 氣動旋轉研磨機及銼磨機以高扭力及精準的同心度搭配款式的多樣性,讓您在各種加工環境皆能應付自如。
产品描述 : 此機型初入門為空壓閥.開門性高 人字型設有換軌裝置.一桿在裡面清洗.另一桿則在外面噴換清洗物.以節省時間 鋼珠回收系統:螺旋輸送機設有篩網.可以篩出粗礪物並自動排出 提升機上方設有豐篩之鋼珠分離器.可將鋼珠粗砂.粉塵百分百分離,可以降低零件磨損低
产品描述 : DLC塗層擁有高硬度、低摩擦係數、高緻密度、耐磨耗、耐腐蝕性等特點,薄膜可於低溫下沉積,因此廣泛應用於切削刀具塗層、鑽頭、汽車摩潤零件、裝飾鍍膜(如手錶外殼、手機外殼)、機機械零件、各種模具等產品中。 大永真空硬質塗層設備具獨特的腔體設計與電源配置,可根據客戶需求提供客製化靶材點位設計以滿足客戶需求。並可選配磁過濾管,每個弧靶前附磁過濾管串連可依客戶需求進行調整,藉以增加靶材離化率,減少靶材顆粒附著,降低生產成本,提升鍍膜品質。 詳情請參考:https://zh-tw.dahyoung.com/
产品描述 : This machine is an improved model from the Y Rail model, featuring similar functions. Designed standard with 4-station hanger with two side doors on blasting chamber. To meet your specific production line requirements, additional hangers are available for the entire working environment. Contact us for further details. Features: 1.The machine employs a PLC controller for continuous cycles of blasting operation. 2.The cycle motions are: the hanging shaft enters the blasting chamber, and then moves to a fixed position at a lower speed. The door closes automatically. Once the door is closed, the blade starts running automatically, and the machine performs blasting. Once operation is accomplished, steel balls are supplied and the blade stops automatically. When the blade comes to a complete stop, the door opens automatically. When the door opens to the fixed position, the chain conveyor quickly delivers the nest hanging rod into the blasting chamber, then moves forward at a lower speed to a fixed position. The door closes automatically and performs the nest cycle of blasting operation.
产品描述 : 由多支水晶纖維油石製成的水晶纖維油石刷,其切削力、使用壽命以及柔軟度更優於一般油石,能夠有效地去除表面粗糙,且能避免過度切削的情況。針對不同的研磨需求及加工方式,我們亦推出了各種款式可供選擇,讓您在研磨精修時大幅提升工作效率。
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