Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : Fuse Blast 是一種易於使用的全自動清潔和拋光解決方案,適用於 SLS 3D 列印零件的後處理流程,有助於更快速更輕鬆地製造專業的、一致的高潔淨度零件。Fuse Blast 可無縫整合到 Fuse 系列生態圈中,協助簡化後處理工作流程,讓您能夠在 30 分鐘內徹底清潔整個成型室內的全部列印零件,並大幅減少人工操作時間和成本。 透過選購的拋光系統,Fuse Blast 可將零件拋光至光滑、半亮面和可染色的三種不同的表面光潔度,始終如一地提供專業級效果,從而進一步提高零件外觀品質。
製品の説明 : 高效率的主軸頭與排屑設計 主軸馬達選用低轉速高扭力伺服馬達,提供切削能力。 內部鈑金與底座為傾斜式設計,不易積屑,使排屑更順暢。 採後出式排屑,具有高容量排屑排屑系統,有助於加速切屑與切削液的排除。 機臺結構 - 機身採用米漢納鑄件,經過回火處理消除應力,以確保機台達到最 佳達最佳剛性與精度穩定性。 - 兩軸滑道採用高剛性、高精密的滾柱線性滑軌,具備高負荷、低噪 音與使用壽命長之特色。 - 標準配置為:8把刀之油壓刀塔。 - 刀塔選配為:伺服刀塔或動力刀塔。
YANMECH Industrial Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : Product Features:Different from the previous positioning of the box jaws by the positioning key, this product will positioning parts into the product, can be locked with the screw lock or unlock, can avoid the traditional positioning the possibility of flying out in the rotation and the advantage of easy assembly.
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : 擺脫時間、地點的限制,利用自動化生產解決方案再創生產率新高!無需人工操作,24小時不停機生產,製造大量、高質量物件,使用 Formlabs 自動化解決方案(包含 Form Auto、群機管理和高容量樹脂系統),在 3D 列印工作流程中更高效的工作並重新定義生產能力。在不增加列印機管理複雜性的情況下擴展您的零件生產。從任何地方點擊發送,Formlabs 自動化解決方案將處理剩下的工作流程。 【最大程度地降低每個零件的成本,節省高達 80% 的勞動力】 在 Form Auto 出現之前,每個完成的零件都需要在後處理之前從成型平台上手動移除。Form Auto 透過將 Formlabs 獲得專利的「快速剝離技術」與「成型平台 V2 」結合使用,完全自動化地移除零件。蒐集的零件被放置在防紫外線的容器中,無縫批量轉移到 Form Wash。 【24 小時不間斷 3D 列印,無需額外程序】 Form Auto 自動化生產系統旨在不閒置列印機、不讓列印物件在序列中等待,無論現場是否有操作人雃,Form Auto 始終準備好開始下一次列印。 隨時隨地構建多列印機群,從辦公室點擊「列印」,立即在生產間開始生產。透過群機管理中的圖像和影片遠程監控和審查成品零件,設備內相機在完成時捕獲每個列印件來保存每個部分的記錄。
製品の説明 : The DC12 is the most robust VMC in AXILE’s arsenal, perfectly suited for handling larger, lengthy workpieces. With a maximum table loading weight of 2.5 tonnes and maximum diameter of 2,200 mm X 1,200 mm, the DC12 takes on the larger, heavier parts common in the aerospace, power generation, and die and mold industries. Its double-column bridge construction allows for greater rigidity, as well as greater control over thermal deformation. As a result, the D12 is capable of deep cuts and complex contouring while maintaining utmost precision. With larger workpieces come more chips, meaning the DC12 features excellent chip removal efficiency, to prolong tool life and ensure no residual interference. Therefore, the DC12 delivers the high surface quality expected by leading manufacturers.
製品の説明 : HABOR_ HIG DC Inverter Cooler_ High energy-saving X Low-carbon emission Upgraded with new generation refrigerant_ R513A which is Low-GWP to reduce the warming influence, Habor HIG series is the best partner for green machine tools. Habor HIG series is a DC inverter cooler integrated technologies of smart IoT, energy-saving, high-accuracy control, equipped with Ethernet Communication protocol for remote setting and real time monitoring, intelligent management of predictive maintenance and status detection. Thanks to speed control and frequency conversion technology, HIG series can save energy cost up to 60%. In 2024, we announced new coolers which uses LOW-GWP refrigerant R513A on the base of use less refrigerant system to reduce carbon emission up to 70% . Habor provides wide range of high precision temperature control system to machining process, such like cooling for spindles, coolant, linear motors, ball screw, gear box, hydraulic systems….etc. Going forward Net Zero by 2050, except DC inverter cooler unit, Habor also provides various solutions to help users to save cost of factory electrical consumption. For more information, you are welcome to our booth in TMTS2024. Habor Booth No. P0114, 1F Hall 2
製品の説明 : 1. 高剛性的立柱 2.2.日本濱田高低變速齒輪頭 3.高壓沖屑裝置 4.高精度硬軌,提升切銷穩定性。 5.全密閉式外罩,低噪音,防止漏水。 6.結合面接採用鏟花精密製造
製品の説明 : The zero-point positioning system is a normal clamping mechanism, which is opened during ventilation and the air pressure is cut off. When the zero-point positioning system is ventilated, the pressure will pass through the compressed spring inside the piston, causing the piston to rise, and the steel balls can retreat toward the water pump. When the air source is turned off, the spring will push back the piston, and the piston handle will The steel ball is pushed toward the middle, causing the ladder bolt to
製品の説明 : 1、平均能減少90%委外處理費用,COD去除率可達>99%。 2、純物理分離,無需添加化學品,全自動運作,自動清洗維護。 3、專利雙過濾、防膜堵塞技術,膜壽命可達10年。 4、常溫操作,安全、穩定、能耗低,較真空蒸發處理節省80%電費。
製品の説明 : 2台立式 + 車床? <br /> 立式+4軸轉台 + 車床?<br /> 5軸機 + 車床?<br /> 還在為複雜的工件煩惱買什麼機台嗎? <br /> BX700T絕對是最佳首選! Milling and Turning 銑車複合的五軸加工中心,B軸擺頭+/-120度,搭配內藏式15000轉主軸,內坎式C軸直徑630mm工作台,C軸轉速有800轉及1200轉作選擇。。專利設計,完美結合:最大的加工空間、最小的干涉、高精度及高效率的五軸銑車複合機。一台抵三台,投資成本相對少,佔地空間小。<br />
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : The customer is very interested in the product and wants to further cooperate with the company, but is unable to produce a quotation on the first line. Even if a quotation is produced, it still takes a lot of time and cost to communicate with the customer and notify the manufacturer of the manufacturing plan, which ultimately results in Limited profits to be made? i+Simple assists enterprises to establish close relationships with customers. It combines accurate valuation mechanisms with CRM+SCM to quickly generate quotations based on various costs, record customer needs, and after receiving customer orders, it is connected to SCM for production operations. Assist customers in a systematic manner to deliver orders on schedule. Meet various flexible business strategies, reduce the company's operating process time, obtain more orders, master internal and outsourced production line information, and improve company satisfaction.
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