Samwell Testing Inc.
製品の説明 : VibroGo® is the truly portable, battery powered laser vibrometer for field studies and quick and easy condition monitoring of machines and facilities on the go.
製品の説明 : 力系感測器、顯示控制器及可相搭配的軟體及量測系統
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : Form 3L為 Formlabs 推出的大型光固化3D列印機,是一款成型空間達擁有達33.5*20*30cm的桌面級3D列印機,讓您的想像力不受限!採用最新專利研發的低應力光固化成型技術(LFS),擁有彈性樹脂槽與封閉式光學模組(LPU)等,大幅增加了機器的可靠與穩定性,精確度、平滑度及透度都大大增加,讓您的大物件也擁有精緻細節!搭配Form Wash L自動清洗機與Form Cure L溫控光固機,以磁力迴旋可一次清洗一個Form 3L平台或是兩個Form 3平台,並使用兩個500W加熱器與大功率紫外線燈全方位高度強化,發揮材料最佳性能! Form 3L特色包含 1. 33.5*20*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 大型物件也有大大的細緻度 3. 彈性成型槽印大型實心物件也不怕 4. 專利LFS技術配合光學模組使透度平滑度大幅提升 5. 雙卡匣智能給料,安心列印不中斷 6. 高達20多種樹脂滿足外觀、功能驗證需求 7. 輕觸支撐材,好拆不麻煩 8. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
製品の説明 : The jaw boring rings (JB-type)(JB12) is suitable for CNC lathe. For adjust the high accuracy of chuck during cutting performance. For detailed specification and operation process, please download PDF.
製品の説明 : ●Internal and external threading for both left-thread and right-thread with one tooling ●Safe machining operation and easier to reach the bottom inside the blind holes ●Evacuate the chip more efficiently than the traditional milling process. shank: 20mm~40mm , Internal Thread Insert: 12I , 14I, 21I, 30I , 40I , External Thread Insert: 14E, 21E, 30E , 40E
製品の説明 : 【ESG Sustainable Goal for Motion Control Components】 According to TrendForce research, the green factories will boost the global smart manufacturing market, which will reach $620 billion by 2026. As the concept of ESG sustainability has set off a wave of enthusiasm around the world, HIWIN linear motion components have also continued to focus on intelligent energy-saving innovation, providing simple, safe and modular designs to help customers upgrade from the inside out and embrace the trend of ESG energy saving! The world’s first Intelligent 4.0 Ballscrew i4.0BS®, together with Intelligent 4.0 Guideway i4.0GW® and Intelligent Single-Axis Robot provide users to monitor health conditions of multiple machines and allow users to plan the production and pre-schedule the maintenance. The function of improving productivity and reducing carbon emission is also in line with the ESG sustainable goal. -i4.0BS® multi-function sensors design with algorithm, effectively monitor the status of the Ballscrew. The users can monitor machines' conditions anytime. -i4.0GW® sensor can be mounted on the block according to customers' demand. The system is fully compatible with i4.0BS®. -The intelligent single-axis robot iSR has a modular design to meet the users' needs in various fields.
製品の説明 : T型結構床台設計。<br /> X, Y, Z軸滑軌均採用鑄鐵批覆合金鋼方式一體鑄造成型,以提昇硬度、耐磨性、吸振性及防鏽性,以重切削能力為訴求。<br /> 三軸皆採用預拉式滾柱導螺桿,可減少熱變形,提高定位精度。<br /> 齒輪傳動,有二檔變檔功能,在302rpm時即可達到全馬力輸出。<br /> 主軸及傳動齒輪採強製冷卻,可降低溫度,提申精度。<br /> 主軸頭部與立柱滑道面為8面接觸,以提高剛性,在重切削時獲得最高的穩定性。<br /> 主軸頭部為左右兩側對稱設計,可將溫度產生的熱變形降至最低的程度。<br /> 穿梭式自動交換工作台,腳踏迴轉裝置。<br /> 油壓系統,刀臂夾持自動刀具交換裝置(A.T.C),鍊式雙向迴轉刀盤結構,就近選刀。<br /> 浴池式自動交換工作台(6 A.P.C)。<br /> <br />
Tokai Spring industries, Inc.
製品の説明 : i-MC spring series has established a strong trust and reputation as disc springs for the main spindle on machining centers among manufacturers. i-MC COMPACT is a new and innovative product of i-MC spring series. Long-life performance, compact performance and balance performance. In all of these aspects, this new product achieves the ideal form of disc springs for the main spindles on machining centers.
DKSH Taiwan Ltd.
製品の説明 : PC F series is designed to produce maximum distillate quality with minimum capital and operating costs. Each model is a compact skid-mounted unit, simple, safe and easy to move. Control is by a PLC, including the functions of feed and discharge, therefore allowing automatic operation and minimum supervision. All models are designed for continuous operation, 24h/day, and require just electrical supply and compressed air. PC F series evaporators operate in a high vacuum condition, with the boiling chamber pressure set at 5-6 kPa (absolute vacuum), in order to save the thermal energy produced by the heat pump. In this way the boiling temperature of the wastewater is approximately 40°C (104°F) and typical phenomena (scaling, precipitation, corrosion) which may reduce the performance are either eliminated or considerably reduced. From 0,7 to 24 m3/day – 0.13 – 4.4 US gpm of distillate Dramatic reduction of volumes and disposal costs Water reuse and matter recovery
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