主な製品 :
The extensive experience and competence from over 110 years of tool processing and maintenance is culminated in five business units:rotary tools,circular saws, metal-cutting band saws, as well as the services division,which provides tailor-made services for all disciplines.Owing to the growing importance of digitalisation, in the future VOLLMER will combine digital solutions in a new product area.
主な製品 :
Double Column Grinding Machine, Production CNC Grinder, Vertical Grinding Cente, Linear Motor Drive Grinder, Nano Precision Hydrostatic CNC Grinder, Surface and Profile CNC Grinder, CNC Slicing Grinder, Fully Auto Surface Grinder, Semi-automatic Grinder, Manual Grinder, Vertical Machining Centers, Vertical Turning Lathes, Multi-Function CNC Lathes, Horizontal Turning Machines
主な製品 :
1. Rotary Table, Dividing Head, Hydraulic Machine Vise, Angle Vise, 4&5 Axis Self Centering Vise, MC Power Vise, Clamping Kit, Ground Parallels_x000D_
2.Punch Former, Tool Makers Vise, Sine Vise, EDM Vise, Demagnetizer, Magnetic Tools_x000D_
3. Collet Chuck System, Collet, Collet Holder,Pull Studs, Keyless Chucks, Boring Head , Height Presetter_x000D_
4. NC Live Center, 3-Jaw Scroll Chuck, Soft Jaw_x000D_
5. Drill Grinder, End Mill Grinder