製品の説明 : A professional video not only aims to bring a visual impact, but also can shape the audience's image for the company and the product, thereby generating more benefits. GTMC has always introduced the most advanced shooting equipment and with the most professional and dedicated service team to assist Taiwan's small and medium-sized enterprises in the production of multimedia videos. From planning, copywriting and scripting, executive production, photography, lighting, post-production editing, 3D animation design to 2D special effects design, etc., we have recruited various professionals across fields to assist companies for different video shooting needs and styles. Creating the most insightful company image video and product introduction video combining with GTMC online marketing experiences carries out the most efficient promotions for customers. The use of 4K high-quality video recording system combined with 3D computer animation can clearly and completely present the most complete information of companies, products, and services, crossing the distances and limitations of time and space, allowing global buyers to immerse themselves and deepen their impressions.
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
製品の説明 : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體 協會的創立, 乃希望藉助這個平台 讓雷射業界, 上中下廠商有更多曝光的機會 並藉由協會規劃年度中不同的各項活動參與 讓彼此間有更多的合作機會促成。 常態性的年度活動有:新春團拜、北中南區域聯誼、會員大會、工廠參觀、弱勢關懷....等等 非常態性的有: 人才培訓、產業升級分享研討會..等等 協會主辦鈑金.雷射展.....等等
製品の説明 : Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Search engine optimization (SEO) PPC Ads Banner Ads Link Marketing Email Direct Marketing (EDM) Viral Marketing Blogging/ Social Media Marketing
製品の説明 : Connect various vibration meters for vibration analysis. It is a waveform acquisition and analysis software capable of handling up to 32 channels. It provides waveform (TY) graphs, FFT graphs, XY graphs. Real-time or post-processing waveform analysis is possible. You can add any filters or perform recalculations in post-processing. It also allows for audio playback of waveform data. Compatible with various types of vibration meters.
FanRuan Software
製品の説明 : Jodoo is an all-in-one no-code application development platform. Jodoo is oriented toward salespeople, managers, and part of IT developers. It can help them develop business-friendly management applications with no code, such as PSI, production management, performance management, and so on.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : VES數位資料保護系統歷經20多年市場經驗及眾多的客戶信賴,專注於資料保護技術研發,可以有效解決資料保護的問題,提供完整的解決方案。 VES資料保護系統採取帳號身分認證、沙箱安全、文件加密、權限管理及加密連線、特定通訊協定 程式白名單..等安全技術,有效的達到勒索及駭客無法攻擊已受到保護的資料及文件。VES 透過一鍵登入的使用方式有效的整合對內外部的防禦機制,針對資料保護提供一個簡單及完整有效的解決方案。
FanRuan Software
製品の説明 : FineBI is a self-service business intelligence tool that enables users to intuitively discover, analyze, and alert hidden issues within data through data analysis dashboards. It allows for timely response to business risks and identification of areas for growth. With FineBI, everyone can leverage data analysis to enhance business operations. FineBI assists enterprises in swiftly establishing a data analysis and business intelligence platform accessible to all members, enabling a comprehensive understanding and utilization of their data. This support aids in decision-making and enhances overall business performance.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : Vital NetZero, a system for ISO 50001 Energy Inventory, ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory, and ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint, helps corporations with daily carbon inventory, net zero emission data, and document management work.
製品の説明 : 德國 Hoffmann 加工冷卻過濾設備, 配備在 Reishauer. Liebherr. Klingelnberg. Kapp Niles. Gleason Pfauter... 等,富達興企業代理之德國Hoffmann 冷卻過濾機台提供設備的維護、維修、備品(過濾帶.膠條.濾紙.清潔毛刷)。
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : AEAPLUS Smart Factory empowers you to create the ultimate production workflow! Highlights include: MES System: Intelligently manage production for enhanced efficiency! B2B Solutions: Simplify supply chains, expedite order processing! WMS System: Precise inventory management, cost-saving! PSRA Assistant: Smart scheduling for automated production! PDM Management: Optimize product data for improved performance! QRM Quality Records: Elevate quality control, continual optimization! BI Analytics: Data insights for informed decision-making! RPA Automation: Streamline workflows, unleash manpower! Irrespective of your factory's scale, our solutions deliver tangible benefits, aiding you in achieving more efficient and intelligent production processes.
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
製品の説明 : 展覽名稱; 2024 TSMLA台灣鈑金.雷射應用展。 展覽日期:113年9月5日(四)-9月9 (一),計五天。 展覽地點:臺中國際展覽館 台中市烏日區中山路三段 1 號。 藉機械鈑金國際展貿活動,能讓同業砥礪吸引國外客戶, 以台灣雷射鈑金發展協會主辦推廣,引領未來的商機,更連結產業人士探討鈑金的新契機。 台灣機械鈑金業有近三千家的工廠,服務於各行各業, 同行齊聚,同台效應,可以交流技術擴展生意打開國際市場。 亞洲少見~台灣唯一專業的國際雷射鈑金應用之主題展, 敬邀請國內外知名專業人士參與,為台灣雷射鈑金相關產業帶來最佳的投資效益與採購商機, 並促成文化、美食、觀光、供應鏈的循環商機。
製品の説明 : 致力於為您的網站提供高效的優化解決方案。我們的專業團隊擁有豐富的經驗和深厚的專業知識,能夠提升您的網站在搜索引擎排名中的競爭力,吸引更多的目標客戶。無論您是剛剛起步還是想提升現有網站的能見度,我們都能協助為您量身定制最佳解決方案。
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