Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
製品の説明 : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體 協會的創立, 乃希望藉助這個平台 讓雷射業界, 上中下廠商有更多曝光的機會 並藉由協會規劃年度中不同的各項活動參與 讓彼此間有更多的合作機會促成。 常態性的年度活動有:新春團拜、北中南區域聯誼、會員大會、工廠參觀、弱勢關懷....等等 非常態性的有: 人才培訓、產業升級分享研討會..等等 協會主辦鈑金.雷射展.....等等
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
製品の説明 : 一年兩期的雜誌約莫印製1100-1300本之間 贊助會員固定有一頁的上刊頁面 雜誌除了寄發協會會員 也會提供贊助會員本數 可以發送潛在友好客戶 歡迎業界善加運用增加曝光效益。
Lotus Business Information Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : Contains information and exhibits of the latest JIMTOF exhibitors, detailed product specifications, machine features and complete introduction.
Lotus Business Information Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : SEISANZAI MARKETING Magazine is a Japanese monthly journal launched in 1964. We have provided highly valuable information on the industry in Japan and abroad, reports on machine tool exhibitions, and the latest industrial statistics for more than half a century.
Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association
製品の説明 : 《MA 工具機與零組件雜誌》以生動筆觸、深入淺出方式報導工具機市場,分析當季工具機進出口狀況及提供經濟指標;也透過每月主題企劃特輯,拉近潛在客戶與廠商的距離,提供各類工 具機最新動態與產品特性;更積極與各院校產學合作,邀請學術界撰寫專欄,追蹤及觀察台灣中部產業的發展與變化。
Taiwan Laser Application Development Association (TLADA)
製品の説明 : 台灣雷射鈑金發展協會, 為依法設立、非以營利為目的之社會團體,以為配合政府提倡產業升級, 並促進雷射應用產業 提升專業技術,期能透過本會與產、官、學界相互交流,建立產業發展共識,及與政府對話的管道。同時透過各項國際交流,積極開拓商機,提振我國企業全球競爭力, 期與世界同步發展為宗旨。 協會致力於機械鈑金平台服務,結合產官學的政策,可以用團體力量來引領企業成長。 製造業的傳承經驗,技術的累積聚眾,誠摯邀請大家的參與。
Lotus Business Information Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : MECT is held in autumn every two years at Port Messe Nagoya in Nagoya city and is the biggest machine tool show in odd-numbered years.
製品の説明 : 台灣工具機總覽是與臺灣機械工業同業公會合作出刊,網羅600多頁廣告及1200餘家會員資料,每年固定3月份出刊,採中英文對照方式編排,發行遍及全球相關展覽。2024年將在25檔國內外金屬加工機械展會中大量發送書刊及USB電子書。
製品の説明 : International Metalworking News for Asia (IMNA) print magazines, digital e-magazines, and fully interactive magazine Apps with video links on iTunes and Google Play facilitate technology transfer by providing readers with industry news and trends. For over 10 years, IMNA has been providing readers in Asia practical solutions for improving productivity, reducing cost, and turning innovations into real competitive advantages to advance their operations.   These readers depend on IMNA for detailed technical information for real-world applications Metal Cutting, Lasers, Tooling & Workholding, Software & Control, Metrology, Welding and Metal Forming & Fabrication that can help them develop their business planning and strategies, product quality, process stability, equipment reliability, operator safety and business profitability, as they take advantage of the emerging opportunities from the Asia region. Our editorial partners include Ringier’s family of Metalworking magazines covering the Greater China and a team of authoritative editorial advisors throughout South East Asia.   For suppliers, International Metalworking News for Asia is an effective multimedia platform which provides the latest information on their products and services. Through a dedicated Metalworking vertical, the industry community can find daily news updates and exclusive online features, videos and reports on major industry events – including live updates from trade shows as they happen – to keep the industry stay informed. Bi-weekly E-newsletters featuring headline industry news, trade show coverage, and analysis and market reports keep you linked to the industry with your latest company information.
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