製品の説明 : "VM25" is a high-performance application of a fully modular system designed for grinding machines, including automatic balancing on the 1 and 2 sides of the grinding wheel spindle, the use of audio detection to control the contact of the grinding wheel to the workpiece or sand, online Measurement and off-line measurement (absolute or relative) and other functions. "B-Safe" can provide vibration and temperature information of the main shaft to detect and monitor the status analysis of the main shaft and machine. It is a new thinking product for intelligent monitoring. Its miniaturized volume design helps to install directly on the main shaft, ensuring that it can provide immediate monitoring of abnormal operating conditions, further predicting the timing of maintenance and failures, protecting your machine and reducing downtime.
CloudRiches Digital Technology Co., Ltd
製品の説明 : 雲馥數位 開設企業級別的 Azure OpenAI Service 技術工作坊,提供更符合企業需求的Azure OpenAI 服務,並由解決方案顧問擔任講師,完整介紹 Azure OpenAI Service 和 Azure OpenAI Studio。參與者將透過實際操作,學習如何創建和優化各種情境的提示(Prompt)。同時,瞭解到如何將 Azure OpenAI 服務運用至公司內部實際場域。此外,工作坊也會從中提供最佳實踐案例,讓參與者探索新的解決方案、原型設計和部署方式。
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