Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : Transforming maintenance history into a digital knowledge base to enhance maintenance efficiency and reduce learning costs. 1.Establishing SOP standard maintenance procedures 2.Uploading text, images, and videos freely 3.Easily accessing through website and app 4.Customizing knowledge base languages based on different countries 5.Calculating average failure rates by region and machine model 6.Maintenance progress scheduling calendar 7.Remote automatic reporting system
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : Founded in 2017, Sinaje provides complete solutions for energy management and net-zero carbon emissions, from carbon health inspection, energy-saving energy storage and integrated dispatch , helping companies achieve net-zero and sustainability goals. The product is based on the AIoT Internet of Things platform and provides more than 20 on-demand energy solutions, such as power and demand management, air conditioning and ice machines, energy storage systems, charging pile management, organizational carbon health inspection, etc., to meet the needs of enterprises. , energy management needs for energy creation and energy storage. The system has been introduced to more than 800 cases around the world, and 11 industrial parks in Taiwan, managing more than 40,000 air conditioners and ice machines, saving an average cost of more than 10%. In-Energy is a one-stop energy saving, energy creation, energy storage and charging platform that monitors energy consumption and provides energy saving suggestions and optimization solutions. The In-ESG Organizational Carbon Health Inspection Platform offers greenhouse gas emission monitoring and management tools, assisting businesses in assessing and controlling their carbon footprint.
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : 多國語言四海矯龍CEO智慧行動商務系統(含外勤及主管) 1. 是可以善用手機聲音速記變成文字寫入CRM。用嘴巴說話可寫工作計畫。寫工作計畫及工作報告。寫出即時通溝通內容。 2. 外勤搜尋客戶的時候,連結雲端ERP客戶主檔位址用Google或百度地圖導航拜訪客戶及直接撥客戶主檔電話聯繫他到訪時間。 3 .外勤顧問到派工單指示地奌打卡簽到拍場景。會把當地経度緯度上傳雲端ERP_CRM 精確掌握外勤行動地址及回報工作內容。 4. 外勤行動在外可用手機查庫存,幫客戶下單當場請客戶確認。 5. 主管行動在外也可簽核估價單、銷貨訂單、請購單、採購單、請假單、會計傳票。出貨單,進貨單。 6. 主管隨時看各部門差勤到工人數,沒計畫做事之呆人、懶人、忙人, 7 .主管隨時看財務調度。工廠生產機台異常燈號警告。
製品の説明 : 1. Production progress control 2. Finish time estimate 3. Cutting Feedrate Verify monitoring 4. Machine alarm notification
製品の説明 : 主功能介紹:<br /> 全中文畫面,易學、易懂、易用,為加工業最適合的加工軟體,操作軟體完全不用背指令。<br /> 可由AutoCAD製圖畫出工件外形,再匯入DXF圖檔,轉換為CNC程式碼。<br /> 參數式的加工資料設定,作CAM只需三個步驟:(1)選擇工法(2)指定加工參數(3)計算、轉出加工G碼。<br /> 參數式的資料設定,圖形改變後,加工碼會自動隨之改變。<br /> 智慧型功能:<br /> 工法和加工的輪廓可直接複製修改,不必再重新指定。<br /> 自動清角可自動清除前一把刀具,所留下來的角落殘料。<br /> 鑽孔時依據孔徑大小,自動搜尋鑽孔的加工位置,不必每一孔都去點選指定。<br /> 字型可自動截割輪廓外圍不用慢慢編修。<br /> 支援單筆劃字型刻字。<br /> 加工路徑最佳化,各加工路徑間依最短距離自動計算,且可指定各加工路徑間不提刀以縮短加工時間,達到最佳之加工效率。<br /> 立體加工: 不必畫3D曲面圖形就可做出立體加工工法,簡單夾治具可自行製作。<br /> 牽引面加工:可加工彎管、簡單的立體。<br /> 規則面加工:規則斜面、四角錐面、圓錐面。<br /> 旋轉面加工:圓球面、葫蘆形狀。<br /> Z軸投影加工:可在不等高的平面上作投影加工。
製品の説明 : Guided-steps CAD/CAM with Machining Simulation including tool path verification and machining time. Excellent tool for learning CAD/CAM and verifying with simulation.
Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
製品の説明 : OCTOPUZ 是一款功能強大的全廠模擬及機器人離線編程軟體,可幫助您提高生產效率和產品質量。 主要功能: ✔️ 同時編輯和模擬多台機器人 🤖 支援各種著名品牌機器人配置 ✏️ 輕鬆進行編輯及修改程式 ⚙️ 支援 CAD/CAM 簡單生成最佳化軌跡 ⚡ 隨拉即用的快速功能 📥 完善的 API 可開發自訂程式 🔃 機器人動作優化,解決奇異點、碰撞、關節和達到極限問題 應用領域: ✂️ 尋邊 🛠️ 材料移除 ⚒️ 製造 🤖 模擬 🎨 塗佈
Administration for Digital Industries, moda
製品の説明 : Vital NetZero, a system for ISO 50001 Energy Inventory, ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory, and ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint, helps corporations with daily carbon inventory, net zero emission data, and document management work.
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