製品の説明 : A rotor that does not perform dynamic balance correction may produce unnecessary vibrations and thus reduce the productivity of the machine, as well as damage to the bearings. At the same time, it may cause damage to the outer frame or supporting device and foundation during severe movement. G-Tech HJ-4250S-A Hard Bearing Balancing Machine is applicable for tool machine spindles, high-speed built-in spindles, motor rotors / motors, rollers, fans, centerless grinding wheels. A maximum rotor weight of 500kg, a maximum rotor diameter of 1 meter, and measurement accuracy at low speed dynamic balance is 0.5gram-mm(max), and the can be 0.05gram-mm(max) at high-speed dynamic balance.
製品の説明 : General-purpose, low-cost vibration sensor with an integrated sensor and amplifier, and an output current ranging from 4 to 20 mA. This low-cost and straightforward vibration monitoring sensor is ideal for controlling and monitoring rotating machinery. It offers three measurement modes: displacement measurement, velocity measurement, and acceleration measurement. Due to the 4-20 mA DC output, it can be directly connected to recorders, displays, timing circuits, and other equipment. The integrated design of the sensor and amplifier eliminates the need for a separate vibration meter amplifier. It operates on a 2-wire system, comprising power and signal lines, with no polarity considerations during connection. By connecting to a dedicated monitor or instrument relay, it can be used as a vibration meter or vibration measuring instrument. It is also compatible with Fuji Electric's MVM series. ※Can be used in conjunction with the Model-2590C display.
製品の説明 : 任何人都可以輕鬆測量振動。 實現超小型、簡單、實用、快速的測量。 手持式便攜型振動計。 Hi/Lo 靈敏度切換,可以進行較寬範圍之測量 加速度測量範圍為0.01m/s2 至199.9m/s2 速度測量範圍為0.01mm/s 至199.9mm/s 位移測量範圍為0.001 至19.99mm(P-P) 使用兩節 AA 鹼性電池,可連續使用 30 小時以上。 所有附件(如觸針、磁鐵、安裝螺釘和手提箱)均作為標準配置提供。 它符合振動烈度測量設備標準JIS B 0907,能夠確定旋轉機械等的質量。 通過各種擴展選項可以進行振動波形記錄和頻率分析。 符合歐洲CE規範之產品。
製品の説明 : 心得科技整合機械手臂、客製化料台、量測站與量測軟體,打造自動化機台,解決人力工時、工件品質保障、加工產能等製程問題,大幅提升加工機附加價值和競爭力。 量測站提高工件品質,並有效控制良率,不受外部環境與人員失誤影響,是自動化產線不可或缺的環節。
製品の説明 : 寶膺提供專業代理,德國工業相機領導品牌 IDS Imaging Development Systems的各項產品,專注於 2D 與 3D 的視覺應用與解決方案,提供客戶專業優質的服務!
Samwell Testing Inc.
製品の説明 : PSV QTec Scanning Vibrometers take full-field vibration mapping to the next level with unrivalled optical sensitivity! Their innovative, patented QTec® technology uses multi-path interferometry based on infrared (SWIR) laser granting high-fidelity measurements on all surfaces from DC to 25 MHz. PSV QTec significantly reduce testing time - especially on dark, biological, rotating or moving objects, determining operational deflection shapes and Eigenmodes for NVH, acoustics, structural dynamics, ultrasonics, FEM validation and NDT.
Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
製品の説明 : 德國 Gfai tech 是量測設備的領導者,長期專注於聲音與振動的量測設備開發並提供可視化產品與服務。其結構動態 (Structure Dynamics) 應用產品,確保客戶從聲音與振動結合的量測數據中獲得更多知識用於解決工程問題。 Key Benefits ► Gfai Tech/ Mikado 是解決噪音與振動問題的完善解決方案 ► 觸碰螢幕與手動觸發按鈕等特性確保快速與簡單操作 ► Mikado系統包含快速及有效聲學量測與分析所需的所有組件 ► 可透過設備直接記錄數據與進行基於頻域與時域的基本分析 ► 全移動裝置使得幾乎可從任何位置進行量測 ► 系統陣列帶有整合的Intel® RealSense™ 超高畫質(Full HD)解析度景深攝影機與記錄深度訊息能力
製品の説明 : Our range of optical sensors comprises classic forked light barriers with red light or infrared technology. Still greater accuracy is offered by our laser light barriers, which even respond to tiny objects. The special design with integrated air system is an optimal solution when it comes to contamination, as the air system prevents dust and dirt from collecting on the transmitter and receiver. A further CAPTRON innovation is the product series of TCP measurement units with laser. TCP measurement units ensure a highly precise tool calibration and precise XYZ measurement in industrial robots. TCP measurement units are commonly used in robot-based automation processes in the metering and bonding technology, welding, soldering and in the food industry.
製品の説明 : Rotating Coolant Union / Grippers (Clamping unit)/ Pallet Clamping Systems / Test Bar / Force Gauge
製品の説明 : The recently developed DATAFLEX® 16 is available for measuring torque ranges of 10 Nm, 30 Nm and 50 Nm. The torque is measured using the well-approved technology of wire strain gauges combined with the latest electronic components. The torque signals are processed without contact at a high resolution of 24 bit achieving an accuracy of 0.1 % of the terminal value. Supplementary to torque measuring the size 16 has a speed encoder providing two signals with a resolution of 360 pulses per revolution.
製品の説明 : Finished leaking testing just only 1 minute !!! Leaking Testing Machine (Pressure testing machine) ◎ Our company could according to products request of condition of client, design and manufacturing dry type, wet type or dry-wet 2 ways in one leaking testing machine. ◎ 2 workpiece finished at the same time. ◎ The client can select the "COSMO", "FUKUDA" or other leaking testing instrument, and install user-interface system. ◎ Attach computer storage, calculation and network output etc... ◎ The equipment could exchange the workpiece quickly. ◎ The equipment could exchange fixtures for other workpiece. ◎ It can set the water tank in time. ◎ The client can option to mark on workpiece with laser or punching.
製品の説明 : ROTEX® torsional flexible couplings are characterized by small dimensions, low weight and low mass moments of inertia yet transmit high torques. Running quality and service life of the coupling are improved by accurate all-over machining. Their application is ideal for transmitting torque while damping torsional vibrations and absorbing shocks produced by the uneven operation of certain prime movers. ROTEX® torsional flexible couplings are equipped with the new temperature resistant T-PUR® spider which is available in three different degrees of Shore hardness.
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