Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
製品の説明 : 德國 Gfai tech 是量測設備的領導者,長期專注於聲音與振動的量測設備開發並提供可視化產品與服務。其結構動態 (Structure Dynamics) 應用產品,確保客戶從聲音與振動結合的量測數據中獲得更多知識用於解決工程問題。 Key Benefits ► Gfai Tech/ Mikado 是解決噪音與振動問題的完善解決方案 ► 觸碰螢幕與手動觸發按鈕等特性確保快速與簡單操作 ► Mikado系統包含快速及有效聲學量測與分析所需的所有組件 ► 可透過設備直接記錄數據與進行基於頻域與時域的基本分析 ► 全移動裝置使得幾乎可從任何位置進行量測 ► 系統陣列帶有整合的Intel® RealSense™ 超高畫質(Full HD)解析度景深攝影機與記錄深度訊息能力
製品の説明 : Our range of optical sensors comprises classic forked light barriers with red light or infrared technology. Still greater accuracy is offered by our laser light barriers, which even respond to tiny objects. The special design with integrated air system is an optimal solution when it comes to contamination, as the air system prevents dust and dirt from collecting on the transmitter and receiver. A further CAPTRON innovation is the product series of TCP measurement units with laser. TCP measurement units ensure a highly precise tool calibration and precise XYZ measurement in industrial robots. TCP measurement units are commonly used in robot-based automation processes in the metering and bonding technology, welding, soldering and in the food industry.
製品の説明 : General-purpose, low-cost vibration sensor with an integrated sensor and amplifier, and an output current ranging from 4 to 20 mA. This low-cost and straightforward vibration monitoring sensor is ideal for controlling and monitoring rotating machinery. It offers three measurement modes: displacement measurement, velocity measurement, and acceleration measurement. Due to the 4-20 mA DC output, it can be directly connected to recorders, displays, timing circuits, and other equipment. The integrated design of the sensor and amplifier eliminates the need for a separate vibration meter amplifier. It operates on a 2-wire system, comprising power and signal lines, with no polarity considerations during connection. By connecting to a dedicated monitor or instrument relay, it can be used as a vibration meter or vibration measuring instrument. It is also compatible with Fuji Electric's MVM series. ※Can be used in conjunction with the Model-2590C display.
製品の説明 : ◎ Tool Length Measurement ◎ Tool Radius Measurement ◎ Tool Breakage Detection ◎ Spindle Runout Analysis * ◎ Two Axes Backlash Analysis * ◎ Ultrasonic Amplitude Measurement and Feedback
製品の説明 : This system is versatile and can be used not only for general vibration monitoring but also for measurements in challenging environments and is compatible with intrinsic safety and explosion-proof requirements. The Vibrating Converter MODEL-2503 is a system that can accommodate various sensors and specifications. A vibration monitoring system using the Intrinsic Safety Explosion-proof Detector MODEL-2450EX is composed of detectors, barriers (safety retainers), and MODEL-2503 installed in hazardous locations. The output includes not only DC4-20mA but also two systems of vibrating waveform AC±2V. This allows not only observation on digital monitors but also connectivity to various PLCs, contributing to the IoT compatibility of facilities. Can be used in conjunction with the high-sensitivity piezoelectric accelerometer MODEL2430.
Taiwan Auto-Design Co.
製品の説明 : Polytec 3D Scanning Vibrometers are state-of-the-art for noise and vibration measurement in research and development. Using three independent scanning heads they deliver the full information on all vibrational directions. The PSV-500-3D determines operational deflection shapes and Eigenmodes for NVH, acoustics, structural dynamics, ultrasonics, and FEM validation. The high frequency version up to 25 MHz extends the application range to non-destructive evaluation (NDE) research. Every PSV-500-3D integrates perfectly into the CAE world providing interfaces to 3D geometries, modal analysis and automation. The scanning heads based on helium-neon laser allow measurements even on tiny structures due to their especially small laser spot. PSV Scanning Vibrometers are available as a compact laptop version or as a practical rack-type workstation.
製品の説明 : To reduce damages caused by accidental collision, and to record collision events. ✓ Smart monitoring box consisting of sensors & electronics ✓ High bandwidth MEMS tri-axial accelerometer (X, Y & Z) ✓ Relay triggered in less than 1 millisecond upon a collision ✓ Built-in data log for max. 5,000 collision events ✓ Easy installation on machine structure ✓ Easy software for threshold setting & logging ✓ Economically priced
Samwell Testing Inc.
製品の説明 : PSV QTec Scanning Vibrometers take full-field vibration mapping to the next level with unrivalled optical sensitivity! Their innovative, patented QTec® technology uses multi-path interferometry based on infrared (SWIR) laser granting high-fidelity measurements on all surfaces from DC to 25 MHz. PSV QTec significantly reduce testing time - especially on dark, biological, rotating or moving objects, determining operational deflection shapes and Eigenmodes for NVH, acoustics, structural dynamics, ultrasonics, FEM validation and NDT.
製品の説明 : 『軸向力感測器』,是由其研發設計中心暨精密螺帽檢測實驗室所設計開發測試,為目前市面上專屬為主軸用精密螺帽設計之預壓感測器,其功能正是用以測量精密螺帽在鎖緊時,施予扭力後會有多少軸向力施壓在被鎖物上,除此之外,還可自行檢查主軸在組裝時的品質是否穩定,進行預壓值數據之比對,目前產品提供三種規格,並配合實驗級別之上下墊圈,可測量M40至M170之螺帽軸向預壓,其可量測之最大預壓力為4000kgf,且已申請相關國內外專利
製品の説明 : 心得科技整合機械手臂、客製化料台、量測站與量測軟體,打造自動化機台,解決人力工時、工件品質保障、加工產能等製程問題,大幅提升加工機附加價值和競爭力。 量測站提高工件品質,並有效控制良率,不受外部環境與人員失誤影響,是自動化產線不可或缺的環節。
製品の説明 : 從光學檢測軟體到自動化設備之機構設計與製造整合 提供一站式的總體解決方案。 客製化規劃,專業設計開發AI+AOI光學檢測機台,可串連現有機台,設計全新自動化流程,提升瑕疵檢測的效率、降低人力成本。適用於面板業、生技藥廠、半導體、食品飲料等產業的各式瑕疵檢測應用。 瞭解更多:https://iiot.apacer.com/tw/optical-inspection/ai-aoi-automation/ 更多實績案例,歡迎參考Apacer宇瞻智慧物聯官網:https://iiot.apacer.com/tw/case-studies/
製品の説明 : FEATURES : • 10 Display Easy - to - View LCD Screen. • Connectors for 4 Current Sensing Clamps. • 1P2W, 1P3W, 3P3W2M, 3P3W3M & 3P4W Power Measurement. • True RMS Sensing. • Power KW, KVAR, KVA, PF,θ,Hz, & Energy KWh, KVARh & KVAh Measurement. • Phase sequency indicator function. • Backlight display function. • Manual Data Memory and Read (50 sets). • Data Logging • USB Optical Interface with three phase voltage / current Waveform display and Harmonic analysis. • Easy - to - use Push - Button Operation. • Light Weight, Portable Design.
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