主な製品 :
HABOR_ DC inverter cooler specified for high precision manufacturing
Habor HIG series is a DC inverter cooler integrated with inverter control and smart IoT technology to support machineries with energy management to reduce energy cost up to 60%.
Thanks to upgrade of new generation Low-GWP refrigerant, Habor cooler reduce carbon emission of cooing system up to 70%.
主な製品 :
High Pressure Diaphragm Pump: The MPD high pressure diaphragm pump was developed in response to the needs of transformation. This patented pump combines the structure of a plunger and a diaphragm, which can drive various fluids under high pressure and use a built-in circulating pump to maintain the system Operate at low temperature. It has been used in the high-pressure central cooling system. It
CHUN-TAI Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd.
主な製品 :
Suction Line Filters 、 Filler Berather Filters、 Fluid Level & Temperature Gauges,、Inline Check Valves、 Needle Valves、SR series tank-outside magnetic flange filter、Threaded connection In-line filters、Air Breather、Tank End Cover、Oil cooler、Flexible Coupling、Pressure Gauge、Spin-On Return line filters、Manifold cover、Tank End Cover