製品の説明 : Put 2 pieces / Put 4 pieces Application: Jigs on the 4th axis(Available for machining 3 side), V-shaped jaws, Surface type deployment type
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : formlabs 熱銷光固化機種 Form 3+/3B+ 搭載專利研發「低應力光固化成型技術(LFS)」,其特色包含彈性樹脂槽與封閉式光學模組(LPU)等,雷射光可垂直照射到物件,大幅增加機器的可靠與穩定性,可印出高精確度、平滑度及透度更佳的高品質物件,桌面級的機種,也能達到工業級的效果。 搭配上為 Form 3+/3B+ 量身打造的後處理設備-自動清洗機 Form Wash 及恆溫光固機 Form Cure,提供完整、快速的 3D 列印製造流程。 Form 3+ 六大特色包括: 1. 前所未有的表面精細度 2. 極平滑的物件表面與透度 3. 彈性樹脂槽使成功率大增 4. 遠端列印超easy 5. 無與倫比的30多種多元樹脂材料 6. 輕觸支撐材帶來最佳效率
製品の説明 : The Thread-body single acting hydraulic cylinder use imported oil seal and accessories to guarantee the quality. No oil leakage while clamping in high pressure for a long time. The volume of the thread-body single acting hydraulic cylinder is small. It can be utilized in a small space in the fixture. This hydraulic cylinder is used to extend out, and when spring returns, but it can't be used for pulling back. The angle degree between the cylinder and workpiece could not be larger than 10° while installing. The bottom of the cylinder barrel needs a leakage-proof gasket. Max. operating pressure: 250 kgf/cm² Min. operating pressure: 20 kgf/cm² Single acting Usable fluid:
HAWE Hydraulik Singapore Pte. Ltd. Taiwan Branch
製品の説明 : Directional seated valves are a type of directional valve. As cone valves they are tightly sealed, with zero leakage in the closed state. The directional seated valve type ROLV is available as a 3/2, 4/2 or 4/3-way directional seated valve with different plug types. The patented assembly consists of two parts: a round basic valve with the valve inserts, and an adapter plate which can be designed for manifold mounting with nominal size NG 6 as the standard connection pattern, or for direct pipe connection. Additional elements such as a check valve, a restrictor (on the consumer side) and/ or restrictor check valves can be integrated, depending on the functional requirement and adapter plate. The type ROLV can be combined in the valve bank type BA with other types of valves. Features and benefits ■ Dirt-resistant design with high switching reliability ■ Interchangeable solenoid for greater flexibility and easy servicing Intended applications ■ Machine tools (cutting and non-cutting) ■ Clamping tools, punching tools, fixtures ■ Testing machinery ■ Wind turbines
製品の説明 : 1. Size from M8 to M90 to fulfill your demand (M8 ※ 0.3t _ M90 ※ 40t) 2. Design Factor 4:1, Working load limit could be up to 40 tons 3. Lifting point is made by forged alloy steel, quenched and tempered 4. Suitable for all loads which swivel and tilt especially for heavy duty, material handling, mold & die industries. 5. Ball bearing inside is easier for flipping working piece and rotation. 6. Light weight, High Performance, easily for using 7. Deliver with test certification to guarantee your safety
Taiwan TeamA Tech. Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : 建立於 Fuse 1 成功的基礎下,formlabs 推出進階款選擇性雷射燒結(Selective Laser Sintering, SLS)3D列印機 Fuse 1+30W 及粉末回收系統 Fuse Sift。提升2倍的列印速度,在3倍的雷射功率下,實現真正快速的企業內部生產!使用尼龍粉末燒結技術,搭載高轉換效率的「掺鐿光纖雷射」與專利研發技術「表面盔甲技術」(Surface Armor),讓用戶獲得更穩定的列印品質與更堅固的物件表面。 Formlabs一直以來對於人體健康與環境保護都十分重視,Fuse 1在運轉時,通過國家室內空氣品質標準,其中包含甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、及PM10…等揮發性有機物測試,列印中不會產生有害氣體,另外也配有完善的粉末回收系統Fuse Sift。除了能將舊粉末過濾後重複使用,還可自動化混合新舊粉、自行選擇刷新比例,減去繁雜的手動混合程序,不僅環保不浪費,更能以最低耗損帶來最高產值。 【Fuse 1+30W 六大特色】 1. 16.5*16.5*30cm 超大列印空間 2. 掺鐿光纖雷射穩定的光束品質 3. 專利Surface Armor技術物件更堅固 4. 粉末回收率高、擁有自動粉末混合系統 5. 兼具高韌性、耐高溫、耐衝擊的多元性能列印材料 6. 繁體中文切片軟體PreForm超好用
Inngrit Co., Ltd.
製品の説明 : • 特殊專利具有吹氣清潔/氣流迴路,可提高操作效率,進而提高生產力和安全性。 • 實現驚人的<0.005 mm重複精度 • 夾持力為2,000KG(油壓)和1,000KG(氣壓) • 上浮功能,取放方便,維護方便 • 英貴爾原點定位系統配合機械手臂和控制系統,可利用自動夾取、吹氣、檢知功能,透過程式控制實現快速、準確的工件夾緊和取放,實現自動化智慧生產
製品の説明 : The soft jaws - 1.5mm x 60 Degree- standard type (SJ08037B) is used in the CNC lathe. According to different process terms, customers can choose varied sizes to be more convenient, and avoid unnecessary correction movement. Available in steel(S50C)
製品の説明 : FEATURES: Able to clamp the workpiece from both inside and outside, apply for embedded sensor, two directions inlet APPLICATION: CNC loading and unloading the workpiece, jigs and fixture
製品の説明 : 用途: CNC切削中心機,銑床,龍門銑床,電腦銑床等切削作業。<br /> 特性:<br /> 本體與面板一體成型加工完成。<br /> 以電控操作,快速充脫磁場變換。<br /> 以永久磁鐵吸著工件,沒有停電的危險性。<br /> 吸磁作業面,螺栓孔可應用於模具及固定方式的變化。<br /> 可配合彈性導磁塊,針對變形平面,作平面加工,大量節省調整時間,提高工作效率。<br /> 結構剛性佳,配合精度穩定,適合高精度加工作業。<br /> 與強力型電磁鐵比較,大幅度節省電力消耗。<br /> 防水效果最確實,保證不漏水,不漏電。<br /> 平均吸磁力18kgf/cm2以上。
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